From the Principal

It has been a great honour to be Principal of St Mary's College for the past six years. 


I am still lost for words when it comes to describing what is so special about this place. It is definitely the people, but to determine what sets us apart from other schools is a challenge. 


There is something about the Presentation tradition, the values of hospitality, simplicity and compassion, and our unique approach that defines our students and staff. 


To the Presentation Sisters, the students from 2015-2021, their families and the staff over this period, thanks for having me! It has been a great privilege. I am pleased there is a longstanding tradition for past principals to visit, so I won't be a stranger. 


It is Advent—a time when Christians prepare their hearts as we await the Christ child. As we move towards the holidays, and I move towards full time study, I feel the following prayer is most apt. 

Take time
God my Mother and Creator 
You teach me to take time to be and to become
To make space for rest and relaxation
And not to be always 'getting things done!'
You teach me to honour the Sabbath 
As a day for worship and rest
A day for celebrating your presence with joy
And for doing the things I like best.
Sometimes I forget how important it is
To make space for the spirit within
To make time for enjoying the gift of life 
So help me today to begin.
Help me to slow down and take time to be
To renew and replenish my spirit
That I may be able to serve you better
And all to whom I’m committed.

Helen Spencer
