Learning in J29

Mrs Wendy Turner

Junior School J29 Turner is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Since returning to onsite learning, J29 (along with the other Year Two classes) have introduced Book Club into their weekly reading lessons.  The purpose of Book Club is for students to discuss texts as a group by sharing their ideas, thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Students are divided into small groups and given a text to read either as a group or independently.  Text topics vary between groups as do genre as it is important our children are exposed to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.  After reading the text, students discuss as a group using question cards to help prompt discussion. 


J29 like participating in Book Club because...

  • We get to read all different types of books (Dhiya)
  • We get to work with all the different people from our class (Mohammed)
  • Each person gets to read out loud to the rest of the group (Nikhil)
  • We all come together and talk about the book (Amara)
  • I get to read a book with my friends and then we ask one another questions about the book (Chenitha)
  • I like having my friends read to me (Jaimee)
  • It is fun! (J29)

J29 love reading and look forward to this week's Book Club with their friends!


Mrs Wendy Turner

Year Two Teacher