Principal's Message

On Sunday we celebrate the first week of the Church’s year and the first week of the season of Advent. During Advent, we will prepare for the coming of our Saviour at Christmas. As we wait, with great expectation, we need to look at our lives and make sure we are ready for the coming of the Lord at Christmas and in the future. Jesus, our Lord, is coming soon!

Our children have certainly been living and learning in challenging times. With your guidance. love and care they have developed and built on already established strategies that have enabled then to be resilient throughout this time. Fostering resilience in our children we know, will assist them throughout their entire life. 


What does a resilient child look like? Healthy thinking habits 

  • realistic/detective thinking 
  • helpful thinking 
  • being optimistic independent and resourceful 
  • good problem-solvers 
  • able to mix well with others 

Some children are born with a more resilient spirit, others have resilience fostered by early childhood experiences. 



We can certainly say that COVID has been an excellent opportunity for us to help our children become more resilient. During Remote Learning and at school, the teachers have been so proud of the children, who throughout this time have continued to see the positives wherever possible. They definitely need to be praised for this attitude and the grit and determination that they have demonstrated in their learning. Some reminders for parents:- 


Children need the freedom to: 

  • Grow up free from having to please their parents all the time (hopefully they will want to please you because of shared values) 
  • Make their own mistakes (making mistakes is how we learn) 
  • Feel discomfort and learn from life’s disappointments
  • “Prepare our children for the path, not the path for our children.”

Invitation for End of Year Awards Kindergarten to Year 5

We invite all our Galilee familes to the St Anne's Christmas Concert & Benediction. This is a Parish event organised by musical director Eugene Raggio. 

Outdoor seats have arrived! 

Thank you to our amazing P&F who organised our walkathon which raised over $4,500. Shout out to all our wonderful students and their families who helped raise this money. We purchased 3 beautiful seats for the children to enjoy!



Anna Novak
