Year 10 Work Experience
In the last week of Term 2, the Year 10 students set out for a week of work experience in their chosen workplaces. During the week placement, students were able to learn various skills and get a taste for the day-to-day experience of working in their chosen job. Read about some of the students experiences below.
During my work experience program, I was very lucky to be able to go to the hospital and worked with the anaesthetics team. I was in surgical theatres from the start of the day until the end. Since I was in the surgical theatre, I wasn’t allowed to do many hands-on things but I got to observe the whole surgical process. I was able to learn about the importance and the role of every person in the surgical theatre. It was an unforgettable experience. I enjoyed it a lot. - Jia Yi Ong.
For my year 10 work experience, I worked closely with a Barrister. He was part of the Victorian Bar. During the week, he gave me an insight into what life as a lawyer was like and what it involved specialising in criminal law. Early on the week we travelled to Geelong Magistrates Court as he had a case there. I got to get a good 'behind the scenes' of what went on in the courtroom. I also got to sit in on multiple conferences with the lawyer and his client, was taught a lot about how the courts work and the law systems in Melbourne. Overall, I learnt a lot and really did value my experience during this time and am so glad it is a part of our school curriculum in year 10. - Alannah Cattran.
I participated in work experience at Myer in the Melbourne Emporium for a week from Monday to Friday. I anxiously prepared myself for the first day weeks beforehand only to find out, I needed not to be so anxious at all. When I first walked through the staff entrance doors to Myer, in the city, I anticipated people to push me around or be very stern with me, but I had judged very wrongly. I was greeted with a smile and a badge and I soon met my fellow work experience mates who were all also in Year 10. Together, we all went through a safety induction, which covered how to use certain equipment, with the work experience manager who was charismatic and accepting towards all of us. It was not awkward at all and I felt welcomed and supported in the environment. For most days, I worked and helped out in the kids clothing and toys section, and got to meet my manager and other Myer employees. I helped with stacking items on shelves, putting clothing on racks in size order, and I occasionally interacted with and helped customers. Everyone I met was friendly and hospitable towards my needs as an inexperienced worker and I felt accepted into the staff community in Myer. Overall, my experience was enjoyable, valuable and definitely worth the time I spent there. - Zoe Cole.
Work experience was an awesome week and a great learning opportunity. I went to my old Primary School where I assisted and took part in the music/strings department. It was amazing to see my old teachers again and reconnect with them. The roles and responsibilities I undertook were; helping with tuning, warm up exercises, violin stance and music piece studies for both group and individual lessons. It was a great experience sharing my music knowledge with the students. In addition, I was lucky enough to be able to assist and work in administration in a Musical Theatre department. Helping and participating in workshops, open days, costume/uniform sectors, attendances and administration were some of the roles I undertook, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Work experience was an inspiring, fun week that I loved, and would do again. - Mariam Pileggi.
For work experience, I went to Peter Brown Architects pty Ltd. It was an amazing experience as I got to work with a small group of architects and interior designers. I was able to use designing computer programs, which were fun and engaging. I helped pick products for a client’s brief, including products for their home. I also did a job for a new studio being built in the city. I had to find carpet, paint colours and fabric colours that would work with the brief given. - Nasia Ikosidekas.
Elena Tsaveas
Work Experience Coordinator