Improving Our Science Resources
Our Science department were successful in applying for a grant titled “The Kew High School Digital Literacy School Grant Project is supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training through the Digital Literacy School Grants program.”
Some of the equipment shown includes:
A 3D Printer which has been used to build student awareness of augmented reality. Last year we created 3D images of the Primary School attendees of the Women in STEM program and they were able to print 3D Mini-Me's.
We have two 3D printers. In Year 7 Maths students alter the bias of a 3D Fidget Spinner Model and then the best designs are 3D printed (one is shown in the image attached). In Year 8 Science students create cell models and some students have elected to design their model to be 3D printed.
A Laser Cutter. The cover photo shows Bernie McGrath’s Year 10 Programming Class who write programs to produce artistic patterns which they can they laser cut onto or through various materials.
A Drone. We have used the Drone to collect some aerial photos of the school. We intend to take some footage of the green wedge behind the school to use as part of the Year 7 Ecology investigation.
We have a class set of Raspberry Pis. These are small computers that are easily configured for a range of automation or IOT (Internet of Things) applications. They are used in Year 10 technology subjects and in facilitating the Year 7 Social Engineering challenge.
We purchased two Muse EEG headsets. These measure student alpha and beta brain waves and are designed to be a mediation aid. Attached is a screen shot of a student session report form a Muse Meditation.
Bernie McGrath
Science Teacher