Debaters Association of Victoria Schools Competition
Kew High School are proud of their teams who participated in the Debaters Association of Victoria Schools Competition and celebrated six wins.
Students met regularly to research and prepare persuasive ideas to support their team’s arguments and devise compelling rebuttal. The five rounds of the evening contest provided practical experiences to become more persuasive speakers.
Well done to the following students who participated and represented the school with pride.
Year 12 Team - A Grade
Zac Holland
Neive Peters
Sam Pringle
Nikko Riazi
Year 10 Team – C Grade
Vincent Bethlehem
Jamie Lester
Otto Sargent
Ananya Goswami
Year 8/9 teams - D Grade
Emilo Cardamone
Robert Garner
Billy Harris
Catherine Lawson
Georgia Lindemans
Anh Nguyen
Sabrije Nuridin
Sachin Pathy
Oliver Rowland
Ben Rycroft
Sarah Son
Max Thomson
Elaine Doyle
Debating Coordinator