Events, Activities and Big Movement!
Term 3 has been a fun filled time at Kew High School. There has been events, activities, and big movement as the chaplain moved offices from room 105 to room 204B.
Chaplain Moves Offices into the new Wellbeing Centre
After 13 years being based in room 105 on the first floor, the chaplain has relocated to room 204B and will be based in the new Wellbeing Centre along with the School Wellbeing Coordinator and visiting psychologists and counsellors. The new centre contains four individual offices and a large open space for programs. An official opening will be held in the centre during the Mental Health week in term 4.
Kew CWA Generous Donation
This term we say a big thank you to the Kew Country Women’s Association for their support of the students at Kew High School. The Kew Branch donated $1000 to the school to be distributed by Chaplains Assistance Fund. The assistance fund aims to support students from low income families who are struggling financially with the cost of schooling. Applications for assistance can be made via the general office.
Chaplaincy Second Hand Book and Uniform Shop
The shop is over flowing with clothing stock. We all love a bargain, so drop into the shop on Tuesday’s 12:20 – 1:10pm and you will find a huge supply of stock. Before you rush out and buy that new jumper you can send your child to the shop and our parent volunteers will help them find any needed uniform from our large supply. Items can be put on hold for up to two weeks, payment can be made by cheque, cash, credit or EFTPOS. It couldn’t be easier to sort out uniforms and text books for your child at up to half the price of purchasing items new.
Volunteering in the Second Hand Book and Uniform Shop
This year we are sad to farewell a number of volunteers from the secondhand book and uniform shop. Like all schools, our volunteers rotate on a regular basis as their children finish up and move into higher education, training or employment. This means we are always on the lookout for new parents to help keep this fantastic school resource running. Regular updates are posted on the compass Newsfeed about volunteering. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can support the second hand book and uniform shop please email
Rosemary Carter
School Chaplain