Ski Success for Owen
Owen Roberts from Year 8, represented Kew High School in August at the annual Interschools Alpine Event at Mt Buller. The Event is open to students from all schools, both Government and private, and for all skill levels, not merely elite skiers.
Students from Scotch College, Geelong Grammar, Lauriston etc. had quite large contingents. There were students representing the local Mansfield Primary, as well as De La Salle and even our local Greythorn Primary. For a number of years now, the Event has included a Multi-class section where students with disabilities can participate. In the Multiclass event, there were participants from special schools, including Ashwood and Rossbourne, as well as a group from the Special Olympics. One of these students participated in Austria in the Winter Special Olympics last year. They have two days of training provided by Disabled Wintersports Australia (DWA) and the ski instructors at Mt Buller.
The Opening Ceremony commenced on the Buller Plaza stairway with school groups carrying their school’s banner. Local Winter Olympics athletes officially opened the Event which concluding with fireworks. For Multiclass athletes, Wednesday was Race Day where they go down the Giant Slalom Course on Burnt Hut. Owen collected his race bib and then with the other participants and the DWA guide, had a course inspection.
Snow began to fall as Owen prepared to leave the start hut and activated the timer. He skied down the slalom course keeping to the left of the red gates and right of the blue ones. As Owen approached the finish line, the announcer called his name saying “Here comes Owen Roberts, representing Kew High School, with two gates to go”.
The Multiclass athletes were presented with their awards first. Owen was pumped to receive the silver medal for his age category and when he was called up to the podium, he received a roar of cheers from the crowd. It was heart-warming to hear.
Well done Owen!
Veronica Brunton
Manager of PSD and SWANS Programs