From the Deputy 

Data Informed Teaching and Learning

Dear Families,

It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to onsite learning over the last week; our students and staff are engaged in powerful learning and teaching and the memory of our most recent lockdown is beginning to fade. 


At this time of year, all teachers conduct specific student assessments for two purposes - one is to identify our students current learning needs and the other is to measure each student's growth over time.  


In their planning sessions, teachers collaborate with curriculum leaders to analyze the data they regularly collect.  When doing this they identify areas for development or extension specific to the content being taught to ensure that learning is personalized to best meet the needs of each student. 


Staff also analyze their data to measure each students growth over time, using last year's November testing as the previous reference point.  This is a vital component of the Teaching and Learning process and ensures that we are constantly reflecting on the effectiveness of teaching strategies being used and adapting our teaching program as required.  This is done in collaboration with members of the Leadership Team.  We also use this data to support our decision making for student reports and to evidence where students will be plotted according to the curriculum.  Margaret then meets with each teacher to discuss every student's learning and progress from Prep - Year 6.


If you have any questions about your child's progress or learning, please contact their teacher in the first instance.


If there is anything that I can assist with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Best wishes for a lovely weekend,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal 

Teaching and Learning Leader