Commonsense Education digital citizenship program explained.

Parent/carers are required to read, sign, and return Part C (page 2) of the agreement, and retain the first page (parts A and B) for reference.

This week, students brought home a copy of our school's 2021 Community Cybersafety Agreement.


Parent/carers are required to read, sign, and return Part C (page 2) of the agreement, and retain the first page (parts A and B) for reference.


Please be advised, as a part of Ivanhoe Primary School’s approach to cybersafety and digital citizenship, students are not permitted to use the school’s digital devices until a signed and completed Part C of the agreement has been received.


In addition to this, as part of the school’s annual start-up program, students in all year levels complete the Commonsense Education digital citizenship program. Students are explicitly taught the concepts, skills and themes linked to being a responsible digital citizen, using age appropriate content to reinforce knowledge and skills learnt previously.

The digital citizenship program covers following topics:



Once the digital citizenship program has been completed, students read and complete a student cybersafety agreement, individually, with their grade teacher. By completing this agreement, the student demonstrates that they understand the importance of the expectations but are also aware that any breach of the expectations will result in digital privileges being taken away for a period.


Steven O’Callaghan

Leading Teacher: Assessment & Reporting | Digital Technologies: Curriculum Leader Ivanhoe Primary School