Year 9/10

Year 9 

Our Year 9s have started 2021 with a positive attitude and effort! Come back from holidays and the weird year that 2020 was, students have been putting their best foot forward engaging with their new classes and new teachers with great spirits. It has been particularly encouraging to see our students getting involved in a number of programs within the college including STEM, Sports Pathways, SEED and the 4Cs.

Year Level Captains and Home Group Captains

Congratulations to all of our students who put their name forward to be Year Level Captain and Home Group Captains.

We would like to congratulate Layla Cerna and Fenet Akawaq on being selected by their peers to represent Year 9 as our Year Level Captains.


The start of the year has been a busy one for students in their Pathways2Success class with students completing their Morrisby testing and interviews over the first few weeks. With City Experience and Mock Interviews coming up later in the term, it is an exciting time for our students.


During Week 3, our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students participated in a three day excursion at Casey Tech School. Our students worked together to solve real world problems encountered within professions related to STEM.

Uniform and Lateness

We would like to congratulate the overwhelming majority of students for coming to school prepared and ready by arriving on time and in the correct uniform.

Students and parents are reminded that if you are going to be out of uniform for any reason that you need to bring a note to school signed by parents. Students who bring a note will avoid the lunchtime detention. Please note that a note does not cover the ability to wear a hoodie, excessive make up, facial piercings, non-natural hair colours.

Students are expected to arrive on time to attend Home Group at 8:50am. Students who are late to school need this explained by parents in order to avoid the lunch detention. This can be done by providing student with a note or calling the school.

If there are any ongoing issues impacting the ability of your child to be on time or in the correct uniform, please contact us and we will help find a solution.

Year 10 News


Congratulations to the Year 10 students for the start of 2021! We have students completing a range of subjects which includes a range of electives, VCE subjects, Precal, Sports Pathways and STEM. It is great to hear and see the engagement across learning areas. It will be a busy year for all year 10 students, but an exciting one with Work Experience, Formal, Incursions and Course Counselling. We look forward to a great year with a great cohort of young people!


Steps 2 Success

All year 10 students participated in their first Steps 2 Success lesson on Thursday 11th February. Jennelle Little from the CESC Careers team completed a presentation outlining the requirements for Work Experience, held the final week of term 3. All year 10 students are expected to complete as part of preparation for their career pathway. Students are strongly encouraged to start calling / visiting work places and getting the ‘Blue Form’ signed and returned to the 9/10 Admin Office. 



The Precal class has started the year strong with a big learning curve for students taking ownership of their learning in order to gain success. Students in this specialised class have a range of interests and passions and hope to use their skills and expertise in the future to have input into their learning journey while undertaking Precal in 2021. We look forward to seeing and hearing about the Precal excursions and incursions in the coming months! 


Home Group Captains

Congratulations to all of the Year 10 Home Group captains! This group was selected by their peers and will take part in planning of formal, Home Group competitions, daily organisation, helping new students and general organisation of the year level. Well done to the new captains of 2021!


Arriving on time & Ready to learn 

To be ready to learn, the year 10 students are expected to arrive on time each day prepared for their lessons ahead. This includes arriving to school before home group (as the locker bay is locked during lessons and not accessible), going to class prepared with a charged laptop/books/equipment to all lessons and bringing specialise equipment to electives such as hard leather shoes to technology subjects. We want all year 10 students to have the opportunity to positively engage in their learning experience, part of this is being prepared. 


If needing new uniform items, please provide your child with a note explaining the item to be replaced and a date this will occur. If your child is absent, please provide a medical certificate and contact the College on the day of absence via phone or entering on Compass.