From the Principal

I would like to wish you all a warm welcome back to the new year! What a start it has been.
It was inspiring to witness both students and staff begin the school year with an enthusiasm and a focus on developing their 2021 routine. And yet, now we have the Circuit breaker Lockdown placed in our path! What a busy time it has been and how grateful we are to our families and students for their perseverance and positive attitude through such a disruption to the start of the school year.
I’d also like to acknowledge the incredible amount of hard work that was put in by all staff at such short notice, to ensure learning opportunities were provided for our students at home. The number of students engaging in the lessons via Compass has been extremely impressive and serves us well for a smooth return to onsite learning.
I’d like to formally thank the School Council for 2020 and our School Council President Rebecca Griffiths, for her tireless work behind the scenes to keep the school running. We are about to commence School Council elections for 2021 and if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact the school for more information. Also, you may wish to keep an eye out for further information as it becomes available.
As you may have read in the welcome letter sent out in January, our senior school students had an extremely successful end to 2020. For the fifth year in a row we achieved our best VCE results and placed in the top 20 schools for improving our VCE median score over a 4 year period. Congratulations to all students and staff involved.
In summary CESC achieved,
- A median study score of 31
- Our highest ever percentage of 40+ scores, 8.4% and one perfect score of 50
- Our highest ever percentage of students with 90+ ATAR, 7.6%
- Our best ever percentage of students with ATAR’s above 50, 88.6%
- 100% first round offers
As you are all aware, 2021 has seen CESC grow to a capacity of approximately 1700 students, almost 200 more than this time last year. With this growth we have welcomed new staff and also new additions to our facilities. We have 11 more classrooms than in 2020, of which four are in a double storey building.
At CESC our students are our core business. We look forward to continuing into 2021 with high expectations that ensure we are giving every student every opportunity to exceed their potential, by providing high quality pathways.
I look forward to getting to know many more of you as the year progresses.
Stay safe and well,
Linda Buckeridge