From the School Leadership Team,



Last day of term 4 2020 is Friday 18th December. School will be dismissed at 1.30pm.


First day of the 2021 school year for students is Monday 1st February. (Year 1 - 6 students)


From Chris Chant,



School finishes at 1.30pm tomorrow – please make sure you have arranged to collect your child at this earlier time. Please contact TeamKids if you unable to  rearrange to collect your child/ren 2 hours earlier than normal.  If not collected by 1.45pm, they will be taken to TeamKids.


  • Last day of the 2020 school year: Friday 18th December at 1.30pm (for all students).
  • First day of the 2021 school year: Year 1 – 6 students, Monday 1st February.
  • First day of school for 2021 Prep students: Friday 5th February, 8.45am


We welcome students back to school on Monday February 1st at 8.45am when students come back on site, move directly to their new classroom and get ready for school to start at 9am promptly.


Today I would like to thank our school community, the Council, staff, parents and students for their resilience, patience and determination to make this school year so successful despite the impact of COVID. 


Being the Principal brings many challenges, but working in our school this year has been a privilege and an honour. We have so much to celebrate and knowing what we can achieve in these trying times means that we can look forward to the new school year with great enthusiasm.


As the Principal I have learned a great deal this year about the importance of being connected to the community and the power of working in teams in delivering learning across a variety of platforms and circumstances. We have come so far and look forward to settling into a new year of on site learning.


I would also extend the compliments of the season to our school community, wish families a safe and happy holiday period and take the time to reflect and celebrate the year we have just endured. Remember to keep sanitising, stay socially distanced and keep everyone safe.


Our year 6 students were fantastic last night as they presented themselves as the graduating class of 2020. Their speeches, presentations and performances were a reflection of the quality of our children, the professionalism of the staff and the engagement of the parents. Many thanks to all those who were involved in setting up the evening, creating year books and organising the evening. Having our families back on site was a landmark occasion and the organisation of the on site event made this return possible.



Uniform sales are being held this evening, from 4pm,  at the back of the school. Credit card and tap and go payment facilities will operate. There is no provision for cash payment. Look forward to seeing you as you enter via the Sebastopol Street gate (gate number 1) - which is easily identified as we now have all new signage on our entry points.


In addition, if buying new uniform, ensure  you get in early to organise it for 2021. Primary School Wear close for the Holiday Season, this Friday 18th December.  They will re-open to the public on January 5th, 2021.  Link to their website -

PSW offer on-line shopping with click and collect. 


We have attached the 2021 staffing structure and role allocation for your information. The successful transition of our students has been supported by staff being able to meet their new students, find their way to new rooms and catch up with new classmates.


Chris Chant.


Christelle Breimeyer,

Acting French Director.


Très chères familles de CJC,


2020 arrive à sa fin, et je pense que c’est pour plusieurs d’entre nous un soulagement. Comme disait Confucius, « Nulle pierre ne peut être polie sans friction, nul homme ne peut parfaire son expérience sans épreuve. »  2020 nous a poli en petits galets lisses…

Les élèves ont quand même des points positifs pour cette année différente, pendant laquelle nous avons continué à apprendre (voir les citations des élèves plus bas, dans la version anglophone).

Profitez-bien des vacances d’été, rechargez les batteries, et c’est avec grand plaisir que nous retrouverons nos professeurs les 27, 28 et 29 janvier pour des journées de pré-rentrée. C’est avec encore un plus grand plaisir que nous retrouverons nos élèves le lundi 1er février à 8h45, avec leur chapeau et leur sourire.

Nos élèves de Grande Section commenceront leur année le vendredi 5 février à 8h45. Du 1er Février au 4 février, ils viendront uniquement pour leur test d’anglais en ligne, que les parents pourront réserver sur Compass en janvier. Merci de venir avec votre enfant au secrétariat 5 minutes avant l’heure du test. Vous pourrez revenir chercher votre enfant 50 minutes plus tard, une fois leur test terminé.



Dear CJC families,


2020 is coming to an end and I think that for most of us it comes as a relief… As Confucius once said "The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." 2020 has transformed into beautiful gems…

Our students could still see the positive side in this very different year, during which they carried on learning and growing:


Student quotes


What did you enjoy the most this year?

  • “Learning how to read, write and make new friends” -Liora, Prep B
  • “Staying in my pyjamas all day during home learning” -Rafi, Prep B
  • “I enjoyed doing Maths the most”  – David Prep A
  • "Visiting the Grade 1 class for transition" -Liam Y Prep D
  • " Making new friends"- Marley Prep D
  • "Going to Team kids"- Felix Prep D
  • "Watching the film Samsam for the French film festival"-Elliot Prep D
  • "Our Prep Disco"-Noah Prep D
  • I really enjoyed the Zoo Project because it helped me work in a team in a fun way. Elea 2F
  • My favourite activity this year was the symmetry project because it’s going to be my Christmas gift for my Grandma. Billy 2F
  • My favourite activity was Le Petit Prince Project because we got to perform it in front of the Preps! Nora 2F


What is the most important thing that you have learnt?

  • “To have fun”- Ava, Prep B
  • “No shouting” – Idan, Prep B
  • “How to write” – Jett, Prep B
  • “To listen to the teacher” – Rhythm, Prep B
  • "Do not hurt your friends", Zoe Prep D
  • "I have learnt to always listen" Rory Prep A


What/who are you grateful for?

  • “Having great friends” -Isabel Prep B
  • “Mr. Chant” – Cooper Prep B
  • “Learning” – Nadav Prep B
  • "M Reese, really enjoyed the sport lessons"-Holly Prep D
  • "My parents! Thank you for helping me doing my work during home learning!"- Alicia Prep D
  • "I am grateful for going to school" Emily (PA) -
  • "I am grateful for my teacher" Sol (PA) -


Enjoy your summer holidays and take the time to recharge your batteries! It will be a great pleasure to welcome our teachers again on the 27th, 28th and 29th of January for three professional learning days. It will be an even greater pleasure to welcome our students back at CJC on February 1st at 8.45am.  Students, make sure you bring your hat and your smile along!


Our Prep students will start their school year on February 5th at 8.45am. From the 1st  to the 4th they will come only to take their English Online Test, which parents will be able to book on Compass in January. Please come to the office to sign your child in 5 minutes before the scheduled time for their test. You will be required back 50 minutes later to collect your child after their test.


Bonnes vacances!

From Anne Hostein,

Curriculum Leader.


It is almost the end of the 2020 school year and no doubt your child is super excited about the looming summer holidays.  As the holiday season begins, it is easy to get lost in the preparation and forget to sustain literacy practices such as reading at home.

As such, I have compiled a small list of ways in which you can easily 'sneak' reading into daily activities.


  • Login to the Caulfield Junior College Online library  If you have forgotten your login details, please email our school librarian, Trudy.
  • Subscribe to the Alliance Francaise and navigate your way through the ‘Culturethèque’ French E-library
  • Make time to visit your local library and join in the small group ‘story time’ activities, which take place on a weekly basis.
  • Share holiday cards, which you receive with your child and let them write a small return message in their own cards.
  • Have your child read the ingredients from recipes whilst you cook and bake together. It is a great way for them to learn about procedural texts and measurements.
  • Set aside time for your child to show off some of their reading skills. Children love being the focus of attention, and neighbours, visitors and grandparents are usually more than willing to see their progress.
  • Make special holiday readings a tradition. Find a special book for Christmas or Hanukkah.
  • Find books that focus on your child’s interests. For example, if they love their bike, find a book on Cadel Evans, or a children's book that includes a bicycle adventure. It is not necessary to read novels. Sometimes a child would prefer browsing a National Geographic magazine or a cartoon strip like Asterix and Obelix.
  • Find a local street library and share and discover donated books.
  • Read one of your favourite childhood books to your child. A chapter a night or a few pages a day.


Have a wonderful break and HAPPY READING J


Anne Hostein

Curriculum Leader