
Organizing Team Updates


Organizing has been working on encouraging members to speak during public comment at board meetings or email the board directly about the impact our inadequate board adopted curriculum has on our students and our teaching.  Please speak at the next board meeting on Thursday, February 11.  We feel like we are making progress and the Board and District are listening to us, but we want them to keep listening!  We want the Board to create a timeline of when we can expect updates to our regular, board adopted curriculum.  Check out these ideas if you are stuck on what to say. 


*Right now the District is looking for supplements to add to what we are using right now for Distance Learning. The recent survey from Ed Services was regarding supplements only.

State Testing

Please check out these resources about state testing.  Start sharing on social media.  We will be sharing more information soon about how unfair state testing is to our students and educators.

NEA Petition to Cancel State Testing

CTA Petition to Pursue a Waiver for State Testing