Important Notices 

School Photos

School photos will be taken on Thursday 18th February, 2021. Envelopes will been handed to the students.  Please check your child's school bag for their envelope.


Please bring the money in ON THE DAY and give to the Home Group teacher.


For those who are interested in sibling photos, envelopes will be available from Monday at the Primary and Secondary front offices.


Reminder for Parents

Primary Campus and 

Secondary Campus foyers: 


Due to the new Covid-19 laws that have come into place this week - parents are not to go into the offices unless they are making payments, bringing a child in late or picking up a sick child from sick bay.



Students are not to use these areas to wait in before school or after school. It is expected students will be on their way home by 3.30 pm.

Any student on the Primary Campus not collected will be sent to OSHC (Out of School Hours Care).


We have staff on Yard Duty from 8:45 am until 3:30 pm and due to other responsibilities are unable to to provide supervision outside these times.


Please also be aware the Primary Campus office will close at 4:00 pm each day.


Students waiting for collection at the end of the day will be directed to the concrete leaves at the front of the school and early arrivals will need to find an undercover spot to play.


Please support us in making sure all students are safe.


Parking Safely Around the School Grounds

Parents please remember your ABCDs regarding road safety to ensure you are doing the following:

  • Adhering to speed zones and parking restrictions;
  • Being constantly aware of your surroundings and looking out for pedestrians;
  • Concentrating and driving carefully;
  • Not using any mobile devices whilst driving.

Year 6 Hip Hop Classes