
Hats off to the resilient 

St John's School Community 


their achievements of 2020   

     Thank you for what has been a challenging but wonderful year.

Best wishes to our Year Six cohort 

We look forward to seeing everyone back, refreshed and ready to go in 2021.

'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'


- from the staff of St John's, Mitcham


Dojo Winners

It has been wonderful celebrating positive behaviours at St John's through the Dojo program. Well done to this term’s sports team who received the highest number of dojos...Dillon, Blue team! Students from Dillon will celebrate with a Free Dress Day next Friday 11th December.


Congratulations to the following students who received a certificate for achieving the highest number of dojos in their class:


Abigail Roberts - Prep SK

Lachlan Dalton - Prep NR

Anna Foster  - 1/2EP

Nathaniel Liu - 1/2CB

Daniela Dellisola and Ben Oakley - 3/4KC

Florence Calderon and Riley Richards - 3/4TJ

Daiah Gonsalvez  - 5/6KR