Centenary Carnival 

 Sunday 20th November, 11am-4pm !!

Check this out


There will be a Centenary Carnival working bee on the 13th of November to get RPS party ready for our 100th birthday! 


Jobs will include:

Cleaning, Tree and Vine pruning, Weeding, Mulching, Handrail install


If you are able to volunteer and help our amazing Ripper Families team on this date please contact the office. 




We need your help to sell our Raffle Tickets for the Centenary Carnival next month! This is one of our major fundraising activities for 2022. And it's your chance to win big!


Every family at our ripper school is asked to sell one book before Wednesday 16th November. But don't worry - There are plenty of spare books if you can sell more! 


Tell your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues to buy a ticket to the hottest raffle in town. 


On the 26th of October, each family will receive one book which will be delivered to the oldest sibling's classroom. If you need more books or wish to sell more tickets please contact the office directly. 


Please ensure that all sold butts, money and any unsold tickets are returned to your class teacher or the office. 


If you are unable to sell your raffle tickets, please return them ASAP so that others can sell them.