From the Principal and Assistant Principal 

Hello everyone

Thank you everyone for all that you are doing at home to support your children with their learning.

To reiterate our message to parents and carers regarding Home Learning, we understand that learning at home may provide certain challenges for our families. We will not be expecting you to replicate a normal school day at home. 

Teachers are providing learning experiences that they hope will be reasonable and achievable. We understand that our families will do the best they can do. 

We know some days will be fantastic and everything will run smoothly. You will ride the crest of the wave throughout the day. Celebrate those days.

Other days will run less smoothly, for a whole range of reasons, and you will feel like you are stuck in the shallows. Rest at these times, take a breather, it's to be expected and it's ok. 

At the end of each day, as the day draws to a close, take some time together as a family to ask:


What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow? 


You and your children are amazing. Our teachers are amazing too.  

Please be assured we are in this together and we are here to help. 



As a Resilience Project school, our teachers are constantly looking for ways to integrate the principles of GEM (Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness) into their practice. GEM has never been more important than now to be practicing and incorporating into our day to day lives. Our teachers have been encouraging their students to check out a new initiative from The Resilience Project - GEM TV. 


If you haven't seen this already, GEM TV is hosted by Martin Heppell at 11am each weekday, and runs for 20 minutes. GEM TV will live-stream wellbeing activities from The Resilience Project - focusing on Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, Emotional Literacy, and Connection. 


Your child's teacher will be sharing the link with them, and it may be something for the whole family to enjoy together or to discuss later in the day. 


To help support your conversations at home regarding GEM,please find some information from The Resilience Project below:

Oval Redevelopment Survey

Recently, the School Council Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee invited our school community to partake in a survey to support the Council’s master plan for redeveloping our school oval. Thank you to many of you for taking the time to share your responses. We had 115 responses from parents and staff. The survey was also shared with some student focus groups. Please see below a summary, prepared by Ellen, of some of the data collected. This will help drive the next phase of work done by the Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee. We look forward to keeping you updated. 


Quote of the Week: Life

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. — Albert Einstein. 


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Hollowood

Principal                                                  Assistant Principal