Year 7 Lockdown Band

 By Darryl Thompson ( Music Teacher )

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius


Learning From Home has its challenges and parents in particular have felt the weight of this since it was thrust unceremoniously upon them in Term 2. As if guiding students through unfamiliar subjects via variable wifi was not enough, half of our Year 7 cohort has just realised that they would now be closer to those tremulous first notes than they had expected. 


As parents collected the instruments from the obliging DC staff, a few candid comments from parents summed up the thoughts of many families facing a whole new level of learning challenges: 


“Does it come with ear muffs?”

“I have no idea what instrument I’m picking up”

“Fabulous, can’t wait!”

“My ears will be bleeding”

“I will have to put the heater on in the garage”

“Is it easier?” (The alto compared to the tenor saxophone)

“Our children are from the most unmusical family ever”

“Does it have to be the clarinet?”

“I would love to play the guitar”


As you can imagine, our nascent musicians will need heaps of support this semester as they wrestle with self-doubt, tricky embouchures, sibling intervention and, above all, loneliness. They will all have great input from our amazing team of tutors but the challenge ahead is considerable and, for all of us, uncharted waters. 


“Anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would expect you to fall apart, that’s true strength."~Chris Bradford


Pray for us.