CHAPS Update

Hi Everyone,

Showbags for Sale Tomorrow!

Please remember to let your kids bring some $$ for some showbags that we will be selling, see flyer below.  The showbags were purchased for the Fair, before you-know-what hit us, and we need to sell them on now to recoup our costs. We are only able to sell ONE SHOWBAG TO EACH STUDENT, so please do not send students with large notes to change - if you have correct money we'd be very grateful.

Enjoy the holidays, keep well and safe.

CHAPS Team 😊


The upcoming MOTHS events for Term 3 will be finalised over the school holidays. To stay up to date, follow us on Facebook under "Men of the Hills (MOTH)".

Men of the Hills is a member of The Fathering Project whose mission is to "inspire and equip fathers and father-figures to engage more effectively with their kids."