Fantastic French

Great Home Learning for French Task 1

For their Task 1,  Foundation, Grade 1 and 2 students completed some fantastic work for Le Quatorze Juillet  and shared it on Seesaw.

Bravo les enfants et les familles pour les belles photographies et  les videos!



Click on the links below to see our "French Foundies" in  action:


Grade 3-6 also completed some fantastic work on the French National day and some even sang the first two lines of the Marseillaise, the French national anthem. Magnifique!





In the next weeks of French remote learning, BPPS students will continue to look at French vocabulary relating to pets, classroom items and prepositions


Madame T and Madame Higgins look forward to receiving more wonderful French work from all our students.


We wish you and your families Bonne Santé et Bon Travail à la maison!