Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to Term 2! I hope that you were able to participate in the Easter ceremonies and that all families had a wonderful Easter. 

By all accounts, students and staff have begun the term well. We look forward to working together to enable our students and families to have the best learning opportunities.

Covidsafe Updates

This term we welcomed the easing of Covid restrictions;

  • Masks are no longer required to be worn by students, staff or parents while onsite.
  • The screening recommendations, to test at home twice a week, will remain for the first four weeks of term.
  • Students and staff will be encouraged to maintain good hand hygiene.

A reminder about Parent Helpers and Vaccination Requirements;

Education workers include volunteers that attend an education facility and that work in close proximity to children, students or staff.

This includes parent helpers, canteen or tuck shop assistants, reading helpers, excursion supervisors or classroom or working bee volunteers.

As such, any volunteer performing any work at a school is as an education worker and they must be fully vaccinated (boosted) or have an exemption.

Staff News

On the 20th May, Mrs Sarah Counihan will commence her maternity leave. I am pleased to advise that Ms Shanlan Moore has been appointed to the 5/6SC teaching position for the remainder of the school year. Shanlan is currently working at another school however she will commence at Christ Our Holy Redeemer on Thursday 19th May. 

I am sure you will join me in welcoming Shanlan when she arrives at COHR later this month.


Congratulations to Mrs Jo Hunt, our Art Teacher and Wellbeing Leader, on the news that she and her husband Shane are expecting baby number two. We wish them continued health and happiness as they prepare for their new family addition.

Mother's Day Stall Thank You

The children absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to buy something for their mum for Mother's Day. I am very thankful to Jess Browne and Melea Stone for purchasing, wrapping and coordinating this years stall. Thanks also to the many parent helpers who assisted on the stall, your help was greatly appreciated.

Mother's Day Morning Tea

A reminder that all mums are welcome to join us for assembly in the morning. Following assembly their will be a morning tea to acknowledge and celebrate our amazing mums at COHR.

Parent Social Event

We are all starting to enjoy getting out a lot more and enjoying the social aspect of our lives. The easing of Covid restrictions is now allowing schools to conduct social events and gatherings. 

I would encourage and invite all of our families to come along to the COHR Trivia Night  set for Friday 3rd June. This will be a great opportunity to get together, catch up with friends and have some fun and a few laughs together. Please refer to the flyer in this weeks newsletter which outlines further details about this event.

Eucharist Commitment Mass

The Eucharist Commitment Mass for Year 4 students intending to make their First communion was held last Saturday evening. Let us keep these children in our prayers as they commence the  Sacramental Program. The Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday 17th July at 3:00pm.


NAPLAN is an Australian wide assessment for students in Years 3 and 5 in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Maths.

This year all NAPLAN assessments will be completed online, except for the Year 3 Writing assessment.

Our Year 3s will complete the Writing assessment on Tuesday 10th May, Reading on Wednesday 11th, Language Conventions on Thursday 12th and Maths on Wednesday 18th. 

Our Year 5s will complete the Writing assessment on Tuesday 10th May, Reading on Thursday 12th, Language Conventions on Monday 16th and Maths on Thursday 19th.

If students are absent for any of the assessments we are able to provide ‘Catch Up’ sessions.


Chess lessons have commenced in the 3/4 level. Lessons will continue throughout Term 2 each Monday morning.


Condolences to the Saraullo family on the passing of Liana's Nonno (Anna's father). Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Congratulations to the Speranza family on the safe arrival of Cristiano. A new baby brother to Mia and Philip.


I wish all our mums and grandmothers a very special Mothers Day on Sunday. I hope you are all looked after on your special day.


Take care


Brendan Welsford