imagination OSHC update

Outside School Hours Care

OSHC Enrolment 

In order to keep your child safe at Imagination, we kindly request that you fill in the Imagination OSHC 2022 enrolment form. 

Whilst this might feel like a 'double up' please understand that the regulations and requirements between school education and child care are different.  Our duty of care for students will be maximised if information is up to date and accurate.

Also noted, is that Fully Booked accounts have, in some cases, not been updated for a couple of years. Your assistance with keeping all important information about your child current, is much appreciated by the Imagination team. 

Medical Information

A friendly reminder that if your child/ren is/are diagnosed with a medical condition, please ensure an updated medical action plan, risk minimisation plan and medication are provided to OSHC. All these forms are available at OSHC or through email. 

All children with allergies must have a current ASCIA action plan for Anaphylaxis or an ASCIA action plan for allergic reactions. If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, please ensure that you also provide educators with an Asthma care plan which has been completed by your child’s medical practitioner. 

For all other medical conditions, please complete a medical conditions risk minimisation form. Medical action plans need to be reviewed annually, or as the doctor requests. Please attach a current photo of your child to the medical action plan. 


In conjunction with the medical action plans, an OSHC medical condition risk minimisation is required. This form does not need to be completed by a medical practitioner. This form will provide all educators with valuable knowledge on how to reduce the risks of a medical emergency for your child. 


Please also ensure that ALL medication provided to OSHC is in its original packaging, which is clearly labelled with a pharmacy label that states your child’s name, date of birth, and dosage requirements. The label needs to be attached to either the bottle of medication or the canister of the Asthma inhaler. 


Your child cannot attend OSHC until these are up to date. 

Learning Conversations 

Please note that Wednesday 13 April is a Pupil Free Day due to Learning Conversations. OSHC will be operating from 7:00am - 6:00pm if you require care for your child. Bookings can be made through 'Fully Booked'.


Imagination educators will be running a games tournament, which includes riddles, Kahoot, board games, and ‘minute to win it’ challenges. If your child would like to participate in Kahoot, please pack their iPad. Kahoot is an online educational quiz game.


Please let me know if there are any issues with making bookings. The booking type is listed under Vacation Care.

Sports Day Session 

OSHC will be open from 12:45pm after Sports Day has finished. Please make bookings via ‘Fully Booked’. 

Our Culture

Our focus for next term is ‘Our Culture’. For a greater sense of belonging at Imagination, the students and Imagination educators will be looking into each student’s cultural background. Each week of Term 2, we will be exploring different cultures. This focus will allow students to feel a greater sense of connection to one another by celebrating our similarities and differences. 'Our Culture' wall will be displayed in OSHC with all the cultures we have explored. By the end of the Term, we hope to have all the OSHC students’ cultural backgrounds on the wall. To help plan for this, we have sent home with each OSHC student a ‘Culture Questionnaire’. We kindly ask that this be completed before the start of Term 2, so that we can plan for the Term. 

Safety Reminder

A friendly reminder that if you are dropping or collecting your child from OSHC, please ensure for safety reasons that you walk to the OSHC door to speak to an educator for sign in/ out.  

Pokémon Cards 

We kindly ask that students keep their Pokémon or trading cards at home. 

Vacation Care 

The Vacation Care booking form is now available. Please note that the Vacation Care due date is fast approaching. Please submit your booking forms no later than Friday 9 April. 


Ali Flynn (Director)