Principal's News

Our School Vision

"Cheltenham East students are empowered learners who are flexible thinkers with the skills and knowledge to respond critically and creatively to their world.”


Early Finish Friday April 8th

A reminder to all parents that Friday April 8th is the last day of Term 1 and is an early finish for all children.  A special assembly will be held at 2.00 pm with a 2.30 pm dismissal from the outside stage area.  We will present the Aussie of the Term Award, the lucky winners of the Easter hampers and farewell Robyn Kimpton at the assembly.  Please ensure you make arrangements for the children to be picked up on time. The first day back at school is on Tuesday 26th April.


Farewell Robyn Kimpton at the Last Assembly  


We are officially farewelling Robyn Kimpton, one of our long serving business managers at our last assembly on Friday April 8th with a special presentation which will start at 2pm on the back stage area.



After 31 years Robyn Kimpton is retiring.

I would like to personally acknowledge the work of Robyn Kimpton and thank her for her amazing work with the school for the last 31 years. I have worked alongside Robyn for around 10 years and she has always been a very positive advocate for the school.  She has also been extremely helpful, friendly and has always acted professionally in all her dealings with staff, children and parents.  There were always positive comments from the community regarding Robyn’s demeanor and happy greetings at the front of office. 


Robyn’s contribution to staff wellbeing and welfare was appreciated and she was always extremely thoughtful and helpful.  She was always checking in with staff, children and parents about how they were coping and how they were feeling wellbeing wise. 

We miss her happy presence at the front of office and in general at school.  We wish Robyn all the very best for the future with Dave and her family.  Robyn is looking forward to retirement and particularly spending more time with her grandchildren.  


School Parking

Please do not park illegally around the school during drop off and pick up. Under no circumstances are you to park across a driveway as there are local residents trying to get in and out of their driveways. You are not allowed to park within 10 metres of a street corner unless sign posted. This limits drivers’, bike riders’ and pedestrians’ vision of the roads consequently presenting a very dangerous situation. 


Please also observe all 2min Drop Zones and move on. Parking officers will be patrolling schools in the district on a regular basis checking parking so please adhere to the signs around the school to maintain a safe environment for our children and community. 


Daylight Saving Reminder

Daylight saving ends on Sunday morning April 3rd at 3am. Time to reset your clocks backwards by one hour.



Unfortunately ANZAC DAY falls on the first day of Term 2 this year which is a Public Holiday. It is important for all children to understand this part of our history and the sacrifices made on our behalf by so many men and women of the armed services.  We will endeavour to recognise this in some way at school.  


Working Bee

We are looking at holding a working bee on Sunday May 15th starting at 9am and finishing at 11am sharp. This is a great opportunity for parents to connect with each other and the school again after two years of Covid restrictions as well as beautifying the school grounds.

We will be completing a variety of work around the school with more details of activities to come shortly.


Parent Committee Thankyou

Thankyou to all of the families that donated Easter goodies for the hampers. They look fantastic. Thankyou also to Tracy and her band of helpers for putting the hampers together for the last day assembly draw. It took a lot of time and effort to make them all up.


COVID Update

COVID cases continue to be a part of our daily life. New Rapid Antigen tests have been distributed, masks still need to be worn, and parents need to contact the school to report a positive test result and children with a positive test need to be at home for 7 days.

Children displaying COVID symptoms or signs of illness at school must be collected. Children may return to school after testing negative to a RAT test.


Rapid Antigen Tests

Children will be bringing home another box of Rapid Antigen Tests to get families through the holiday period. I am currently not sure what will happen in Term 2 in regards to the DET provision of Rapid Antigen Tests but I will endeavour to keep everyone informed as DET communication becomes available.


2021 Cheltenham East Annual Report

The 2021 Annual Report was delivered to School Council at the last meeting. There was much to celebrate and the school is showing significant improvement in the measurable areas of Student Achievement, Engagement, Well-being and Productivity. The report is available on our school website.


Electric Motorised Scooters

Electric scooter laws in Victoria state that electric scooters cannot be legally used on a road or any road related areas, including footpaths, shared paths or public areas.  They can only legally be ridden on private property.  The fine for riding an illegal  device in a public area is $909.  Other penalties may also apply.  


We have had concern from surrounding neighbours that motorised scooters are being used as a means to drop off and pick students up from school.  This is extremely dangerous and illegal.   The police are aware and are doing driving by around school start and finish times.  


Please take care, we want all our students to arrive safely to and from school.



Congratulations Maddeleine Harvey.....AGAIN!

Congratulations goes to Maddie Harvey for coming second in the girls Under 12 backstroke in the Regional finals. This is one step below the State championships so it has been a remarkable achievement by one of our amazing school captains. We are really proud of Maddie’s achievements in swimming and she does it all with a fabulous attitude and a smile on her face. Well done Maddie!



Great Teachers

We have fabulous teachers here at Cheltenham East PS. What makes a great teacher? A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. To be successful, a great teacher must have:

  1. An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style
    A great teacher is very engaging and holds the attention of students in all discussions.
  2. Clear Objectives for Lessons
    A great teacher establishes clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.
  3. Effective Discipline Skills
    A great teacher has effective discipline skills and can promote positive behaviours and change in the classroom.
  4. Good Classroom Management Skills
    A great teacher has good classroom management skills and can ensure good student behaviour, effective study and work habits, and an overall sense of respect in the classroom.
  5. Good Communication with Parents
    A great teacher maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
  6. High Expectations
    A great teacher has high expectations of their students and encourages everyone to always work at their best level.
  7. Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards
    A great teacher has thorough knowledge of the school's curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
  8. Knowledge of Subject Matter
    This may seem obvious, but is sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the material interesting for the students.
  9. Passion for Children and Teaching
    A great teacher is passionate about teaching and working with children. They are excited about influencing students' lives and understand the impact they have.
  10. Strong Rapport with Students
    A great teacher develops a strong rapport with students and establishes trusting relationships.


Fundraiser - Bunnings BBQ

The Parents Committee have arranged a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser which is being held on April 9th at Bunnings Moorabbin.  To be successful in this event we need volunteers for the day.  Please click on the button below or scan the code with your smartphone to sign up for CEPS Bunnings BBQ!


Annual Implementation Plan

The Annual Implementation Plan is basically the school’s goals and targets to be achieved this year. Below are the two major goals we are focusing on. Each of our Professional Learning Teams are made up of all staff in Numeracy/ICT, Literacy and Wellbeing/Humanities.  Each group have developed an Action Plan to complete by the end of the year. Key Improvement Strategies will be a big driving force for our staff this year. These are built around the Frameworks for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO). Some of our students have thrived in the remote learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some need extra learning and wellbeing support despite the best efforts of their teachers and families. In 2022 we are continuing to focus on student learning - with an increased focus on numeracy - and student wellbeing through the 2022 Priorities Goal, a Learning Key Improvement Strategy and a Wellbeing Key Improvement Strategy. 


Goal 1 - Maximise the learning growth of students in literacy and numeracy.

Goal 2 - Increase student connectedness to learning through student voice, agency and leadership.



School Values

The children will continue working closely together through the coming winter months. This is a great time to reinforce our school values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, COURTESY and CO-OPERATION with all children. Filling someone’s bucket of kindness should be a priority for all children and adults. Helping others is to be encouraged by everyone and can be done in a variety of ways. It is great to see our Year 6 children looking after the younger children out in the yard.


Children Arriving Early

Parents are reminded that children should not be arriving at school before 8.30 am in the morning. The students are not supervised at this time of the morning as teachers are preparing their classrooms for the day. Before and After Care facilities are available for parents who have to go to work early. Students should not be inside the buildings before the first bell unless supervised by a teacher. 


2023 Foundation Enrolments

Enrolments are now OPEN for 2023.  

Group Tours can be booked via the office on 9583 5746.


Thursday 5th May -   ** FILLING FAST **

Tuesday 10th May -  ** BOOKED OUT **

Saturday 14th May -  ** FILLING FAST **

Monday 23rd May - AVAILABLE


Places are filling fast so spread the word.  Enrolments are open and we ask that siblings coming to Cheltenham East Primary in 2023 please enrol now. 


Lost Property

Only 1 week left to collect Lost Property before it is gone.  

We have multiple jackets, drink bottles, lunch boxes, containers, hats etc. in lost property. Many that have names on them.  Please make the time to check and collect.  If items are not collected by the end of Term 1 they will be disposed of.  Unclaimed uniform items will be donated to our second hand uniform shop.  


Contact Details

Have your contact details changed? We have already tried to phone parents and emergency contacts only to find that the phone number is no longer valid. It is absolutely vital that we can contact parents/carers at all times. 




Thought For the Week























Wayne Bach