From the Primary Principal Team

Hello to all our Primary parents,
I hope everyone is travelling well and looking forward to the Easter break. When I reflect on this term, it is with great pride that learning has continued to be front and centre and the needs of our students first and foremost. To maximise student learning outcomes, schools need to provide a safe environment for students to take risks with their learning and not to be upset when mistakes are made. This is how we grow and challenge ourselves. One thing that we have learnt through this whole Covid experience is the importance of routine and consistency in our lives. At The Lakes, our students love the routine of seeing what is happening each day listed on the classroom whiteboards, having set classroom norms, rules and expectations that we live by. Yes, there are bumps along the way and modifications made depending on individual ages and stages, but this is a vital component of ensuring our students feel safe, secure and supported. Our data, continues to show that we are well above state level in all key areas of student wellbeing and growth. This is due to and what I am really proud of, is the way in which our school staff and parents worked as a team to make sure our school environment is calm, orderly and structured.
Thank you to parents who have returned raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle. We have 88 prizes on offer and winners will be notified over the next few days. Thank you to Helen, Josie, Silvana and our SRC students who spent considerable time putting prizes together and wrapping items. Thank you for your help.
Our Harmony Day celebrations were a great success with a number of activities happening across the school. It was great to see students dressed up in their cultural attire and the deep level of questioning about different cultures happening across the school. This is just one of the many ways that we as a school celebrate all our different cultures and backgrounds.
You will see over the next month several things happening across the Primary Campus to freshen up and improve our grounds. This will include new shade sails in our Year 4,5,6 playground space, painting of administration areas and new fencing at the front of our school in readiness for the start of Term 2. A lot of collaboration and planning has taken place with the Department of Education, staff, parents and students.
Saturday 2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day. This day provides a wonderful opportunity for our school staff to partner with our families and increase the understanding and acceptance of people with autism. Throughout the week, our staff will share picture story books and short online videos in classrooms that are aimed at encouraging acceptance, understanding and inclusion. Our aim is not to focus on the particular label of “autism” or identifying individuals but rather build a deeper appreciation across our school that we are all different, we all have different needs and ways of working and learning. We do understand the sensitivities around these things and are always happy to work with families to ensure that what we are doing, is in partnership with you.
Our end of term Inspire Magazine highlights many significant student achievements. A lot of work has gone into this snapshot with student input, energy and collaboration being at the forefront. Please take time to have a look at this and discuss, share and celebrate your child’s achievements. We are proud of the resilience shown by our students this term and our Inspire Magazine is another example of the work that has happened while at school. Thank you to Kitty for leading this wonderful reflection piece.
A reminder that we will be finishing at 1.15pm on the last day of term, Friday 8th April. Students start back for Term 2, Tuesday 26th April (Monday 25th April is ANZAC Day).
I hope all families have a wonderful break and come back safe and well.
Thank you for all your support across the term.