From the Secondary Principal Team

Dear Lakes Families,
I hope that you are travelling well through this very difficult period of our lives. At school, we have high numbers of both students and staff who are absent with or as household Covid-19 cases. This is impacting the day to day processes at school, responding to parent/carer contact and of course the student learning program. However, I am proud of how our community is banding together to find solutions and positive outcomes to learning. Amongst this backdrop, we have continued to maintain our commitment to extra curricula programs including our successful athletics day on a beautiful warm and sunny day, and interschool sport program, subject based excursions and incursions. Our assessment and reporting timelines continue to be met and our level of student agency and drive for routine and achievement is a credit to our students. All families will receive a Term One Interim Report next week highlighting overall student progress, attitude and work habits which compliments the parent teacher interviews from four weeks ago. Parents/Carers will have the opportunity to follow up with any concerns regarding their child with respective teachers at the beginning of next term, maintaining an integral communication between the learner, school and family.
We are planning to effectively staff our full program with some class shifts and staff returns from the beginning of next term. I have to say that this has occupied significant resources and time but this is like almost all workplaces at the moment. Some existing classes will be impacted but this should not impact learning or disruption. On the contrary, the changes will give us opportunity to also rollout our Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) program and our Tutor Learning Initiative Programs. Both programs are devised to address student growth particularly in response to the interruptions with at school learning over the previous two years. Students invited to engage in the program will vary- this will range from stagnated NAPLAN results, learning issues encountered with online learning and to challenge and extend ”middle band” students. Students who participate will be subject to Individual Education Plans with clear 12-month learning growth targets identified and shared. The intention is to work with at least three set rotations/student cohorts with a range of learning styles and needs over 2022. Our plan is to engage as many students as we can in the programs. The lead teachers and staff are very excited about how we can continue to support our students and their academic achievement.
We have had to address some tricky situations surrounding student behaviours particularly amongst our younger students. Each situation has thrown up different challenges and different individual student needs often requiring careful planning with each of our responses. As adults, it is imperative that even when in our emotional state, that we are able to stay calm so that we can work to reach a positive outcome for all of our children. Do not call the general office or drive to the school if you are not going to be able to manage a conversation and a solution-based approach. We ALL have a responsibility to role model our values and to be even more understanding and respectful when facing adversity. Solutions will always be found to support the learning, social and emotional needs of children. The best intervention outcomes are always under the guise of a strong family-school partnership. We need you just as much as you need us to resolve student issues. Staff have been instructed to end any conversations that are heightened or threatening in nature. The Department of Education has set clear rules in their Parent-Principal Agreement. Our staff have a right to a safe work place where they can work uninhibited by intimidation or harassment. Please consider your emotional state BEFORE addressing your child’s matter or your response to others. There is ample evidence that shows that your own actions can seriously impact your child’s emotional state and their overall performance at school. I am overwhelmingly sure that our parent/carer community wants all of the adults connected to our wonderful college to work proactively and in a manner that models behaviours that set a calm and nurturing school environment. We ALL have a responsibility to honour this approach amongst young people on a daily basis and we will not deviate from this commitment.
Our Inspire magazine highlights many significant student achievements this term. It is a beautiful publication which is a snapshot of student input, energy, collaboration and success. All students have had numerous new experiences and learning opportunities. Please take time to discuss, share and celebrate your child’s achievements. This is very important and sets a wonderful tone for rich conversations and provides an avenue to discuss challenges and opportunities that will be faced with confidence moving forward.
Finally, one of inaugural students Bela Barbu, has connected with our college to update us on her career success.
Bela is the Communications Manager at Chobani Australia and has informed us that the company has formed an alliance that will result in 100% profit donation with Foodbank Victoria. (Social post in the newsletter). This has given Bela so much job satisfaction and she heralds her social conscious to her family and school values that were nurtured through her formative years. We will continue to share the experiences of our alumni with our current students and our community as we continue to develop important traditions that will shape our college as a positive influence within our community.
Stay connected, stay safe, and be proud of your children and their efforts at school. Next week is our final week of term. Just a reminder that school ends at 1:15 pm next Friday, April 8. Enjoy some quality family time and an opportunity to reflect and recharge with our wonderful adolescents who give us so much joy and heartache all at the same time!
Bill & Bonnie
Secondary Campus.