School News
Assembly Award Winners
Congratulation to our award winners for this week. It was fantastic to see all students gathered together in the Hall for our first in-person assembly for a very long time.
Social Skills Awards
Atticus W, Harrison K, Keilah B, Annabelle F, Anna H, Remy P and William V
Merit Awards
Zac C, Emily B, Hailey W, James C, Amalia R, Ari K and Hunter F
School Parliament News
In Term 4 last year, we held a 'Dress like your favourite sportsperson' Fundraising Day to help raise funds for purchasing some new lunchtime play equipment. In Term 1 this year, the members of School Parliament discussed what equipment they think we should purchase. They sought ideas from their classates and then had them vote for their prefernces from the final list.
This week, the MP's were excited to help put out lots of the newly purchased equipment for students to use during playtimes. It was fantastic to see lots of students enjoying the equipment that the MP's had carefully selected based on feedback from their peers - democracy at work!