Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility,Being Safe and Being a learner.


PAOwen GeehmanFor focusing on his learning and trying his best in all learning areas.Florence Hunting
PBJack WardanFor never giving up and always being a role model.Hannah Miles
PCCharlie SulzbergerFor trying her best and being a great role model in all areas of her learning. Ella Grigg
1AKye KrcmarWorking hard on achieving his learning goals especially in writing.Piper Stewart
1BWilliam OgleFor always displaying the school values and being a focused learner.Oscar Lucca
1CLacey RoughleyFor focusing on her learning.Mason Snow
1DNixon SmallFor striving to do his best in his learning. Logan Pitts
2ARyan LowdellFor engaging enthusiastically in Maths and sharing his ideas with his peers.George Smith
2BIsabella PummeroyFor trying her best and being a great role model in all areas of her learning. Lucas Boffey
2CSophie IrvineFor putting extra effort into her work and being a motivated learnerNate Haack
3AToby BussingerFor doing his utmost best in all areas of his learning.Eadie Letcher
3BMadelyn Van Berlo For her thoughtful and reflective contributions to classroom discussions in Reading. Amarni Castle 
3CCooper MurtaghFor his positive return to the classroom and being ready to learnArcher McCready
4AWilliam Van EmmerikFor displaying persistence and a  positive attitude when transitioning into a new school. Welcome to Kismet PS!Zach Drake
4BJacob BorgFor returning to school ready to learn and completing all learning tasks to a high standard.Dylan Snow
4CLachlan BrownFor being persistent when facing challenges in Maths, and not giving up. Braeden Woods
5ACadence DeebleFor using persistence to write for a sustained period of time.Jordyn Myers 
5BMax HarvieFor showing confidence and persistence through challenging maths tasks.Thomas Markmann
5CEva MitchellFor participating in class discussions with confidence. Zavier Jones
6ABenji JacobsFor expanding on his ideas for writing and carefully researching important information.Lilah Martin
6BBowie Gibcus For demonstrating his ability to expand upon writing ideas and show creativity. Emily Dicker 
6CCooper KnightFor consistently trying his best in readingZoe Cullinan