Learning Diversity 

Sally Lentini

Catholic schools are committed to fostering inclusive practices which respond to learning diversity so that all students are actively engaged in learning and experience success.’ 

Horizons of Hope: Learning Diversity in a Catholic School, 2017.


What is Learning Diversity?

​Diversity encompasses all learners across cultural, academic, social-emotional and physical attributes noting these are not mutually exclusive. ‘Learning diversity’ refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes a child brings to their formal learning at school. Educators seek to meet the needs of all learners so that every student experiences success. While all educators have this goal, Catholic educators see each student as a sacred creation – ‘made in the image of God’ (Genesis 1:27). It is the understanding that all students should be fully active members of their school community and that all professionals in a school share responsibility for their learning.


Learning diversity in Catholic schools is enacted through an inclusive pedagogy and a commitment to uphold the rights of all to be:

  • welcomed;
  • valued;
  • acknowledged;
  • actively engaged in education.

​Catholic schools in their endeavours to support all students to flourish, intervene as early as possible to meet the individual needs and abilities of each student.

"All students regardless of race, age, or gender, by virtue of their dignity as human persons, have a right to an education that is suited to their particular needs and adapted to their ability. 

(Pope Paul VI 1965)."

*Horizons of Hope: Foundation Statement:

Learning Diversity in a Catholic School