Teaching & Learning

Remote and Flexible Learning

What will you be seeing over the next couple of weeks?

As we work our way from stage 3 to stage 4 in our Remote Learning plan, you will start to see some slight changes to the way in which your child’s teacher creates their learning tasks and conducts the learning conferences.

Learning Conferences

Learning conferences will continue to be conducted in groups and as individuals across the week. During the initial stages, groups were established to support student social needs and now are more based on academic need. Each PLC will have a timetable to outline the conferences that have been planned across the week.


Group conferences will be mainly organised for students who have similar needs. This doesn't necessarily mean students in a group are at the same academic level, rather those students who have been identified as requiring a focus on similar skills or knowledge. As we know learning happens in many different ways and at different speeds. A teacher’s skill is to identify the needs of a student and craft the learning to best support learning growth.


Individual conferences will tend to be individualised to each student’s academic and social/emotional needs. In these sessions teachers may provide feedback, edit work together, set goals and discuss learning challenges and success. These are important times for teachers and students to maintain a strong connection.

Are you ready for learning?

Over the past week, it has been noticeable that the majority of students have been ready for learning when presenting for class, group and individual conferences. However, it is important that all students maintain the efforts in this area as we work our way through the mid stages of our remote learning experience. In order to make the most of learning conferences, the following rules apply:


Dress Code:

  • Be dressed appropriately for learning. (no pyjamas or revealing clothing)
  • Hair to be brushed and if long, tied back.



  • Make sure you are in a common space, the place where you do your work during the day. Sitting or standing at a desk, so you can be easily seen on the screen.


Be on time and present:

  • Check the time of the online conference and make sure you are ready to go when it starts. Checking your technology is working 15 minutes before the meeting starts will help especially if there are difficulties.
  • No eating or drinking (apart from water) during conferences.
  • Communicate Respectfully:
  • Be sure to mute your microphone before you join the video conference. Keep your microphone muted when you are not speaking.
  • Be focussed. Pay attention. Actively participate.


  • Be ready with notepad and pen/pencil.
  • Take notes during conference.
  • Avoid looking at other screens or distractions.


  • DO NOT be in your bed online.

Using our Learning Behaviours are more important than ever.

As you are working through the learning tasks with the guidance of of your parents, our Learning Behaviours will assist you to focus on the learning that your teacher has developed for you.


We have found a few examples of students who have been putting these learning behaviours into action to help produce some amazing work while in isolation.


Year 4 Dreamtime Stories – below are some stories and art developed by our year 4 students. These students have continued their work on a virtual Story of Buninyong to help build a deeper understanding of the rich indigenous culture that exists in Australia.

Year 3 – Building Connections while Reading

The Year 3 students have been continuing to develop their comprehension skills by building connections to their reading. They have been working on building Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self and Text-to-World connections as they read.