
Investigating Science

This term the Year 11 have been studying models in Science and how they can help us understand scientific concepts. Models are useful for learning things that may be too hard to see first hand as they may be too big, too small or even outside our solar system.


The students had to pick an area or concept of science, research it and create a model that would aid the viewer in understanding a difficult concept. The girls did a great job making their display and model so informative and engaging.

Mr Corcoran l Head Teacher AMPS

Technological and Applied Science

Creative and Performing Arts

This term students in the TAS faculty studying Timber and or Metal Technology have been busy.  Students in the Metal Tech class have completed a sheet metal box and are now well under way fabricating a fire pit. These students are learning to use various hand tools, Cold saw, Thermal cutting, grinding and will soon start Welding the components together.


Timber Tech students have also completed a small box to develop skills in marking and measuring and have now moved onto completing clocks of their own design for first year students then onto bowl turning on the wood lathe. Second year students are well into construction of a coffee table with their own design elements included as well.



Mr Stewart Blomfield l Head Teacher TAS

Year 11 Construction

Music Matters

Year 7/8 Music have been rocking out the tunes using the new guitars.  Students have been learning how to tune their guitars at the start of each lesson and are currently working on Bob Dylan's classic 'Knockin' on Heavens Door'.  

Mr Stuart l Music Teacher

Stage 5 Geography

The Year 9/10 Geography students have been investigating the topic 'Sustainable Biomes" this semester.The students have studied the different Biomes around the world and how humans have altered these Biomes to produce food.  They researched and produced an infographic of a crop (of their choice) grown in Australia and the factors affecting it. The group were fortunate to have the 2018 Australian Land-care recipient David Marsh come into school and give a presentation on Regenerative agriculture. David gave a very informative talk on his journey as a farmer and his journey into regenerative farming. David explained the concept of regenerative agriculture and the effects it has had on his property even during the present drought. As agricultural production is threatened by water scarcity, climate change, declining agrobiodiversity, David explained how he has been able to increase the biodiversity and change his farm from a mono agricultural system to a complex ecosystem where he now has in some paddocks more than 49 species of different plants .  

The group found his presentation to be very informative and thanked David very much for his presentation. The group look forward to visiting his farm next semester to further develop their understanding of the challenges facing farmers and some of the  ways to combat these challenges .


Mrs Ingrid Corcoran l Geography Teacher

Transition to Year 7 2020 begins

PBL Recipients Rewarded

Silver Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received Silver Awards at the Assembly on Wednesday: 

Year 7

Annhmaie Eastham-Ward,Skye Knight, Alex Patyuk. Julia Roberts

Katelyn Shean

Year 8

Emily Dickson, Katlyn Edwards, Dominic Grocott, Joshua Karchinsky, Stephanie Piper, Imogen Pye, Angus Carney

Year 9

Riannia Apps, Zara Axtell, Abbie Grant, Cheyanne Grocott-Robins, Madisson Penrose

Year 10

James Farrell, Marnie Halls, Benjamin Klose, Jacob Piper, Luke Dean, Malcolm Porritt

Year 11

Ryan Barton, Rachael Carney, Mackella Pye, Ebony Roach

Year 12

April Corcoran, Claudia Edwards, Amelia Hewitt


The above mentioned recipients of the Secondary Merit Award Scheme were rewarded with a trip to Mt Selwyn Snow Resort on Tuesday.  Mrs Hambly and Mr Keighly were lucky to be a part of this excursion.  Students learnt to ski and experience the snowfields.   For all involved the trip was truly an experience they will not forget for a long time and opportunities like this will reinforce the living virtues of Boorowa Central School.


'Fantastic people and experience.  Never thought I would get so hot at the snow.  I have never seen snow before.  I did not think I would spend so much time on my back side!'  - Ryan

'An experience of a lifetime that should be a yearly event' - Claudia

'Exhilarating and frustrating but overall grateful for the experience' - April

'It was the first time I had been to the snow.  It was such a great experience.  I highly recommend a visit.  Thank you BCS'! - Mackella


Mr Keighley l Secondary Teacher