Year 6

Assistant Principal's Report

Another year done and dusted at The Springs...

Wow!  Another year at the Springs is done and dusted!  It seems like only yesterday that we were settling in for a big and busy 2019 and now we are hurtling towards 2020 at breakneck speed!

Last week we officially recognised the achievements of our Year 6 students at our Graduation Evening.  It gives me a great amount of satisfaction to have the students run the majority of this evening - from introducing guests, to presenting speeches about events through the year.  All presenters did a fabulous job in such a daunting situation - speaking in front of 500 students and parents is a big deal!  I am so proud of each and every one of our Year 6 students for their Primary School achievements.



Our 2019 Award Winners for the evening were as follows:

Principal's Academic Achievement:  Thomas Thoonen

School Council Award for Numeracy Excellence: Harry Peplow & Domonic Batty  

School Council Award for Literacy Excellence: Kalista Thomas & Maeve Arnett  

Rotary award for Outstanding School Service:  Scarlett Smith

Latrobe Community Service & Leadership Award: Jacinta Campanelli 

Pakenham Secondary College SOAR Scholarships:  Myah Fox & Alex Smerdon

PSPS Sports Achievement Award: Prezance Havilitama & Athieng Wut

PSPS Sports Values Award: Bryce Hobson  

PSPS Visual Art Awards: Peter Kokovitis & Natalie Heang 

PSPS STEM Awards: Navtej Singh & Robert Tamblyn 

PSPS Media Arts Awards:  Kathleen Wang & Zac Gray


Graduation was followed by Celebration Day, where all year 6 students, teachers, Learning Support Assistants and specialist teachers (and their Assistant Principal!!) had a great day out at Gravity Zone and Ballam Park enjoying Laser Tag, trampolining and just hanging out with friends, eating pizza and relaxing after a huge year!!



I want to take this opportunity to thank our Year 6 teachers, parents and all students for such an amazing year.  I feel so lucky to have been a part of such an enthusiastic and dedicated team in 2019.   It has been a privilege to have watched these students learn and grow throughout their time at Pakenham Springs - take care over the holidays and make your 2020 beginning of Secondary School fabulous!


Have a wonderful, safe and happy holiday break.

Renee Cotterell

Assistant Principal (Year 6)