Year 3 - Year 5

Assistant Principal's Report

Year 3 - Year 5 News

Another fantastic year at ‘The Springs’ has come and gone!  Once again, there have been so many great things to celebrate.  My favourite celebration is always seeing and being a part of student growth and achievement.  A huge celebration for this year has also been our whole school approach to student well-being and engagement.  I am very proud to hear the language of our school values being used, student to student, staff to students and also staff to staff.


In 2020, I will continue on as Assistant Principal but with a slightly altered role.  I will be working alongside and closely with the Year 2, 3, 4 and the Specialist team.  Strong student learning outcomes, well-being and engagement will remain my focus within these teams, alongside the administrative aspect of the job.


Two weeks ago saw the success and enjoyment of the Mini-Market/Christmas Song Celebration held on the stage and basketball court area.  It was an impressive turn out and the students just loved it!  A huge thank you to Kirsty Manning and the Community Team for arranging the sound system, food vans and second-hand stalls.  Thank you to all our marvellous teachers who arranged year level stalls and supervised these throughout the evening.



This week, you would think things are beginning to slow down but here at the ‘Springs’ we are making every second count.  Everywhere I go there is action and activity.  Year 4 students have been exploring, researching and building volcanoes and this week they enjoyed making their volcanoes explode!  Our 2020 aerobics tryouts were held with students making themselves very proud by learning the routine prior to tryouts and managing to keep the step and beat in time with each other.  As for moving into 2020 classrooms, wow it is no small feat.  HUGE thanks to Mr Holmes and the team for arranging tables, chairs and all sorts of furniture to be moved across the school.



With our final transition tomorrow being held from 12:00pm – 1:30pm, it is almost time to officially end the 2019 school year.  I wish all the ‘Springer’ families a very Merry Christmas / Happy Holiday Break and a very prosperous ‘New-Year’.


Jane King

Year 3 - Year 5 Assistant Principal