Senior School Report
Message from the Director of Learning
- Mr Jason Tickner
Hello, my name is Jason Tickner and I am the new Director of Learning of Senior School at Westall Secondary College. On behalf of the senior school, I would like to offer a warm welcome to all parents and families at Westall Secondary College. We also welcome Mr.Gary Bottomley to the senior teaching staff. As this is the first edition of the newsletter, I would also like to introduce the Senior School Management Team for 2020, consisting of:
Director of Learning
– Mr. Jason Tickner
Year 12 Year Level Coordinator
– Mr. Jared Bandara
Year 11 Year Level Coordinator
– Mr. Charles Tran
VCAL Coordinator
- Ms. Ngarelle Gordon
Senior School Education Support
– Ms. Vicky Karayiannis
Careers & Pathways
– Ms. Geraldine Borgonha
In the few short weeks since the start of the year, our dedicated VCE and VCAL teachers have put in place our VCE & VCAL curriculum and continue to adapt it to our student’s needs and capabilities. Through formal presentations to students and parents, we have established all of the policies and procedures necessary for the efficient and effective operations of the senior school. From a staffing perspective, we are continuing to nurture a professional learning community to look at improvements and effective teaching strategies to support students to maximise their potential with their VCE or VCAL programs.
Students have already participated in a study camp in their respective year level groups, school community projects, mentoring programs, excursions and whole school sporting carnivals. We look forward to a number of curricular and extra-curricular initiatives and events scheduled for Term 1 and anticipate enthusiastic participation and engagement by our students within the senior school. It is my hope that students have entered into the year with a sense of enthusiasm and motivation to succeed and that this approach continues as the stress of senior-level studies becomes more evident. Students have been utilising their study periods quite effectively, which is great for the beginning of the year. It is particularly important for our VCE students that they create a home study program that balances all time commitments including school and part-time work. A key to success in a student’s final years of school is consistency in study and organisation. Across all subjects, students have been provided with their subject information, including learning resources, timelines and SAC dates (VCE only).
Our web-based school management system, Compass, continues to be an effective tool for teachers, students, and importantly, parents to access. Using Compass allows parents and families to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your son/daughter’s progress. Compass offers many different features, including the ability to:
· Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
· View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
· Communicate with your child’s teachers
· Update your family contact details
· Download and view your child’s semester reports
If you are not accessing Compass, please make sure that you download the app onto your mobile phone and get your son/daughter to show you its features and how it can be used.
As a sub-school, we are hoping to forge a strong rapport with home, so that our students get the most out of the year and achieve the success and goals that they set themselves. As stated, the final years of schooling can be challenging, and there will be many stressful times ahead, however, if we work together these can be reduced. This year will go by very quickly, and there is so much that needs to be done, however, the young people in our senior school are in good hands as our staff will work hard to ensure that they are supported along their educational journey, academically and emotionally. If you have any questions regarding senior school operations or the VCE or VCAL, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at .
Year 12 Study Camp
The Year 12s began their final year of Schooling by attending their study camp in the city. The purpose of the camp was to empower the students with the skills, passion and direction to complete their final year to the best of their ability. During the camp, the Year 12s attended a number of different workshops to build skills around a number of areas including organisation, communication, study skills and note taking. In additional to this, the students also participated in a number of activities to find different ways to build their well-being and resilience during this very stressed period, and were motivated to ensure that they support and work together to make this the best year possible. Students were also very privileged to be able to attend both RMIT and ACU who provided educational information and tours around the campus to give the students a genuine understanding of what university and TAFE have install for them. The students were excellent and have walked away with a clear outline of what is expected of them and how to best succeed. Good luck to the Year 12s in their final year.
Mr Jared Bandara
Year 12 Coordinator
Year 12 Camp from a
VCAL Perspective
On the 3rd of February, all the Year 12s met up at Southern Cross station at 9 am. We walked to City CYC, where we were staying for the next 2 nights. Once we settled in, the VCAL students got into groups, and raced around the city answering questions about each destination we had to visit, and taking group selfies at each location.
On the second day, we all went to the ACU (Australian Catholic University). I think the highlight was the pizza for lunch. We were then taken on a tour of the University, and got to see some of the courses that are offered at ACU.
On the final day, we went to RMIT, which is a University and TAFE together. I think the VCAL students were able to get lots of information about different courses that are offered. To finish off this session, 4 ex-Westall students came in to answer questions we had about life after high school, and what they would do differently if they could complete Year 12 again. I think we all learnt new skills, especially teamwork from this camp, but we also had a lot of fun, and most importantly we made new friendships, grew more as individuals, and we all became closer as a Year level.
by Talia Shipp - VCAL Captain
Access Monash
- Meet the Mentors
On Friday 21st February, a group of Year 11 and Year 12 students attended the Access Monash Program at Monash University in Clayton. The Access Monash Mentoring program aims to provide talented students from low socio-economic areas insight into tertiary education. The students are paired up with a current Monash student to act as their mentor throughout the year. This one-on-one mentoring will support our students to transition into higher education. Current Monash students are given the opportunity to develop their skills and give back to the community. It was a great experience for our students to meet some of the mentors. The program will run for 9 months.
Mr Charles Tran
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 11 Study Program
at Westall
On Monday 3rd February, 110 Year 11 students participated in the 3-day Study Program at Westall Secondary College. The aim of the program is to help students transition from Middle School to Senior School and get them ready for the VCE and VCAL program. The organisations that supported the school included Kingston Youth, Elevate, Coach Approach and Life Skills Group. The program assisted students to develop skills in mindfulness, healthy eating, time management, school diary use, study plans and academic note-taking. There were also some fun activities that students enjoyed, such as, Hip Hop dancing and Circus acts. A key message the students learnt from the program is ‘not to give up’ and ‘stay focussed’. A big thank you to all the Year 11 teachers who helped with supervision and program delivery.
Mr Charles Tran
Year 11 Coordinator