Principal Announcement - Brigidine College, St. Ives
We Welcome Laetitia Richmond to Kildare Ministries
On behalf of the College Board I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Laetitia (Teash) Richmond to the position of Principal of Brigidine College St Ives. The Trustees of Kildare Ministries have ratified the appointment and warmly welcome her to Brigidine College.
With a career spanning more than thirty years in Catholic education, Teash is highly experienced to lead Brigidine College into the future. She is currently the Principal at Catherine McAuley High School, Westmead, a large Years 7 -12 girls' school in the Diocese of Parramatta.
Prior to that, she was Deputy Principal at Nagle College, Blacktown and Bethlehem College, Ashfield, both Years 7 -12 girls' schools. Teash's extensive educational career has included roles as Curriculum Coordinator, Creative Arts Coordinator and Visual Arts Coordinator.
Recognition of her significant leadership skills has led to Teash's involvement in the consultation of the site masterplan for the Westmead Catholic Community and the development of sustainable partnerships between Catholic schools, the Westmead Hospital Complex and Western Sydney University.
With a strong commitment to her Catholic faith, Teash is an active member of her Parish. In her leadership roles she has ensured that the Catholic tradition and charism of each school is kept alive and evident in the daily life of students and staff. Teash comes to us with an impressive academic background. In addition to her Bachelor of Education, Teash holds Masters Degrees in Religious Education, Art Education and Arts Administration. She engages in continual professional learning to ensure she can lead her school community with a contemporary understanding of educational priorities and the needs of students and teachers. Teash has had strong governance experience as a Board Director at a Good Samaritan Education school and is currently a member of the Good Samaritan Education Assembly.
The position at Brigidine College attracted many experienced education leaders. I would like to thank the Board Directors who formed the Selection Committee with me, to manage the recruitment process on behalf of the College Board. We were assisted in this process by an external consultant.
I take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome Teash Richmond as our new Principal. She will take up the appointment in January 2020.
As the year progresses, we will take the opportunity to thank and acknowledge Jane Curran's enormous contribution to Brigidine College St Ives and wish her well for the future.
Yours sincerely
Kitty Guerin
Chair - Brigidine College Board of Directors