Senior School Report

Senior School Update


Year 12

On Wednesday 23rd October, we said farewell to our Year 12 cohort of 2019. Following a breakfast of pancakes and fruit, the students, in well thought out fancy dress costumes, attended a special whole school assembly followed by a barbeque at Jells Park. The students conducted themselves admirably throughout the day, and I would like to thank them for making the day so enjoyable.

Since Wednesday 30th October, the students have been completing the end of year VCAA examinations, with English being the first of many. The examinations finish on Wednesday 20th November.

We wish the Year 12 students of 2019 the best of luck for their future endeavours. We thank them for their many contributions to the College and hope to see both the students and their families and friends at the Valedictory Dinner on Tuesday 19th November.



VCE Enrolment Day

Friday 29th November is VCE Enrolment Day. All current year 10 and year 11 students are required to attend on the day to enrol or re-enrol as VCE students. Payment of fees, subject levies and any other costs may also be completed on this day.

Venue: S1


Surnames beginning A to K - 9.00am until 12.30pm

 Surnames beginning L to Z - 12.30pm until 3.00pm


Mrs J. Riddoch

Senior School Leader