
Peer Teaching in Numeracy

On Thursday 24th  of October, the Year 9 students participated in creating a Numeracy activity for Junior students. Two of the Year 9 classes went to Waverley Meadows to run Numeracy activities for Grade 3 and 4 students. The other two Year 9 classes stayed at school and ran Numeracy activities for the Year 7 students. The Year 9 students were broken into small groups and needed to research the Mathematics curriculum to develop activities that were appropriate for the Junior students. It was an informative research assignment as Year 9 students needed to think about how to teach a mathematical concept and break it down to a level the students could understand. This is exactly what mathematics teachers need to do and was eye opening for the students. The Junior students were divided into small groups and rotated through the various numeracy activities. 


Here are some photos from Year 9 students teaching Grade 3 and 4 students at Waverley Meadows Primary School.


Here are some photos from Year 9 students teaching Year 7 students at Wheelers Hill Secondary College. 


The Year 9 students were great role models for the junior students and lots of fun was had by all.


Michelle Galli

Numeracy Learning Specialist