College Matters

Year 7-10 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews
Monday 30 April There are no scheduled classes on this day.
Parent Teacher Student interview bookings close for Year 7 to 10 parents at 9:30am.
Interviews run from 1.30pm to 8pm
These interviews are for the parents of Year 7-10 students, including those Year 10 students doing a Unit 1 subject.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Donna Harrison and Diane Weston have been working in our Second-hand Uniform Shop for many years, running the Wednesday morning session. They will both be finishing up at the end of the year. Therefore we need to recruit some new volunteers soon in order to continue to provide this service to our school community.
If you are able to assist please contact Donna Harrison on 0421 782 123.
Parents & Friends' Association
Thanks to the following PFA members for their assistance at the expos last week Rosa Ferrari, (who did a solo performance from 4-6pm), Marissa Ford, Michelle Lafferty and Ales Nebesky. Thanks also to Rosa Ferrari, Michelle Lafferty, Linda McIntyre, Ales Nebesky, Elizabeth Semmel and Emma Walker who served tea and coffee at Open Night and answered countless questions from prospective parents.
The next PFA meeting is on Tuesday 8 May at 7pm in the staffroom.
Past Students' Association
The PSA has a new Committee for 2018 comprised of mainly past students who left the school within the last 20 years. This is a great way to help the Committee transition into a new approach to engaging with the past student community. The previous long term Committee members attended in the the 1950s to 1970’s, some attending from the very beginning of the school at the Balcombe Road site. They did an excellent job supporting this Association for the School during the 2000s, volunteering countless hours in many ways.
We farewelled and sincerely thanked those long term members who had given ten and often more years service to the PSA. They were a capable, dedicated and caring group who had the interests of MGSC in their hearts and minds for a very long time.
So the new committee of PSA would like to again acknowledge the significant contributions of
past Committee members, Judy Deakin, Wendy Ford, Lorraine Pritchard and Margaret Osborne.
We hope to continue the goals and legacy of the PSA in this new digital age, while keeping the over 60 year history of MGSC (formerly MGHS) alive and part of the MGSC story.
We will introduce our new Committee members in future newsletters.
Please see our Association page on the School website for further information about PSA.
NDIS Family Information Session
Information session designed to help families and carers get ready for the National Disability Insurance Scheme have commence in the Bayside Peninsula area. The session will cover topics such as:
- What is the NDIS and how does it work?
- The transition arrangements for students
- What kind of support can I access through the NDIS?
- Accessing the NDIS
The session will be delivered in partnership with the Department of Education and Brotherhood of St Laurence. Further information is on the attached.