Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Families
Welcome back to term 2. Linda Brown is on leave until Monday 7 May and I am Acting Principal in the interim.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome new staff who have joined our college – Ms Lauren Caridi (for Ms Hurwitz), Ms Beth George and Mr John Rorke (for Mr Campbell’s Music and Business classes respectively), Ms Jessica McKenzie (for Mr Wallis), Ms Becky White (for Ms Kosack), Ms Jan Tallarida (who is taking Ms Cohen’s classes on a Tuesday), our new Business Manager, Ms Kelly Lloyd-Vanni and in IT tech support, Mr Gayan Perera. Welcome also to students who have commenced at the college this term.
At our ANZAC assembly on Monday I reflected on the theme of pride through highlighting some recent events, all just from the first week of term! It has been a very busy time for us all.
I have been taking some Year 7 and 8 students back to their former primary school to talk to Year 6 students about the transition from primary school to secondary school. Whether they were describing peer support, the camp, the Year 7 and 12 Fancy Dress, even their lockers and homework, everyone of these students spoke about the school with pride.
Last Wednesday we held our Year 7 Famous Women in History expo and Year 9 My Migrant Story expo. I was very impressed with the effort that the students had put into their projects. From the Year 7s, dressing up as the woman they had chosen and learning interesting facts about her life, to the Year 9s researching the migration story of one of their ancestors and displaying this in a suitcase or as a video, these students took pride in their work and rightly so.
Last Thursday we hosted Singfest and welcomed students from the Ubuntu choir from South Africa as well as from schools across Melbourne. Our Music students did us proud on this day.
At the athletic sports last Friday, students were proud of their achievements, whether it was showing House pride in their costumes and with their chant, whether it was participating for the first time or the last time, or whether it aiming for a PB in a particular event.
Open Night was held on Tuesday. Many students performed in music ensembles, aerobics routines and play rehearsals. Domain leaders demonstrated their work in subjects ranging from art to science, from technology to maths and the tour guides students showed off their school with pride. (Head to the school’s Facebook page to see our students in action.)
I concluded by asking students to take a moment to think of the ways in which they can show pride: by putting their best effort into their work; by working effectively with their team on the sports field; by singing their heart out in the House Chorals; by looking after our environment and by being that caring and understanding friend.
I’m looking forward to a productive and exciting term.
Bronwyn Moline
Acting Principal