O God, source of all goodness, who have shown us in Saint Mary a woman of faith living by the power of the Cross, teach us, we pray, by her example to live the Gospel in changing times and to respect and defend the human dignity of all in our land. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.
We pray ...
for young men that some may hear the call of a priestly vocation, all candidates preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, all HSC students preparing for and undertaking trials, for Miss Tolmie and her family on the sad passing of their aunty, for Miss Johnston and her family on the sad passing of her grandmother. We pray for desperately needed rain.
Yesterday, Year 1 had a class visit from Fr Francis. Next week, Year 2 students will have a class visit with one of our priests. We thank both Fr Chris and Fr Francis for their continued spiritual guidance and support of our students and teachers.
Vocations Awareness Week
This week the Church in Australia has declared National Vocations Awareness Week. The focus of this week in the Catholic Diocese of Armidale is on Priestly Vocations.
St Mary of the Cross (Mary Mackillop) Feast – 8th August
August 8 marks the anniversary of the death of Mary MacKillop and the Feast Day of Australia's first Saint. Canonised by Pope John Paul II on 17th October 2010. Although her death occurred more than a century ago, she continues to inspire men, women and children whether Catholic or non-Catholic. Her Feast Day is a time to contemplate her remarkable life, her sense of social justice and her enormous contribution to education and as a champion of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized. The co-founder of the Josephites, the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, she was a tireless advocate of education and schools. At just 24 she established a school for children of the poor and underprivileged in Penola, SA, and under her guidance, her Order went on to found schools not only across SA but also in Victoria, NSW and eventually New Zealand. With her strength of faith in God, her vision of a better world for all, with patience, a forgiving heart and trust in God, she managed to overcome whatever obstacles were put her way.
Last Sunday many families attended our first Family Mass for Term 3 and gathered afterwards for a scrumptious morning tea in the beautiful sunshine. Thank you to Fr Chris for celebrating the Mass. Parents and students of Kinder, the Confirmation Candidates and Year 6 are to be congratulated for the delicious morning tea provided after Mass. We thank all our families who attended and contributed especially the readers. Our next Family Mass will be held on Sunday 8th September at 9.30a.m (Yr 1 and Yr 5 hosting) and we remind all our families that EVERYONE is invited and welcome at our Family Masses, not just those grades providing morning tea.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred by Bishop Kennedy in our St Nicholas Parish on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September. Please keep our Confirmation Candidates in your prayers. Parents of Candidates please ensure that the relevant forms/monies including Sponsors documentation are returned to school by Wednesday 21st August.
There will be a Fathers' Day Breakfast beginning at 7.30am in the Holy Family Courtyard followed by a Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 30th August. We warmly welcome our Dads, Granddads, Pops and families to join us for this celebration.