From Our School Leaders

We are officially halfway through Term 1 and we have had a lot happening, with more still to come.

The Fathering Project

This year, Scoresby Primary School has linked with The Fathering Project to build our community network.


Research shows that schools which specifically target fathers will see better outcomes for students.


When fathers participate in school activities, meetings and events, children enjoy school more, are less likely to have behaviour issues and are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. Children are also more likely to engage more in school and perform better academically. Other benefits include:

  • Increased student connectedness with school
  • Increased physical activity and better health outcomes
  • Increased self-esteem and resilience
  • Reduced bullying behaviours
  • Reduced delinquent behaviours
  • Reduced engagement in unhealthy and risky behaviours
  • Reduced alcohol, tobacco and drug use
  • Increased social responsibility and social maturity
  • Reduced suicide and self-harm
  • Reduced substance abuse

As part of this program we are looking for a Dad (or Father Figure) who is willing to be a Program Co-ordinator. The role of Program Co-ordinator involves organising an event once a term.  We have a number of resources to support them in this role.    If this is something you are interested in, please contact either Merran Maguire

or Nic Rheumer 

for further details.


Knox Festival

Congratulations to Mrs Coster and her student artists who created bunting for the Knox Festival.  The bunting was very bright and festive and much appreciated by the Festival organisers. Well done.


School Council

Thank you to our community members who have voted in our School Council elections. A reminder that this closes at 4.00pm on Friday 10th March, after which votes will be counted and our newly-formed School Council announced to the community.


Family Fun Night

We will be holding our annual Family Fun Night/Twilight Sports on Thursday 23rd March. Families are welcome to come along, bring a picnic and cheer the participants on as they attempt a variety of activities.  Dressing up in house colours is a great way to support your team! A Sausage Sizzle will also be run by PFA.


Term 1 Working Bee – Clean Up Australia Day Primary School Event

Our first Working Bee for the year is set for Friday 24th March from 2.30–4.30pm.  We have joined up with Clean Up Australia Day to run a Primary School Clean Up event. This is a great way to inspire our students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in their community.


We encourage as many families as possible to come along to the event and help clean up our small part of Australia. As a school, we will be focusing on a general grounds clean up, rubbish removal and weeding.


Peer Mediators

Our Peer Mediator program started this week.  The Scoresby Peer Mediators are a group of Year 5 students who have been trained to solve small issues in the yard between students.  Being a Peer Mediator helps these students to develop conflict resolution and problem-solving skills which they apply a systematic process learnt through role-play, following a script. 




Scoresby Primary School Leaders