Wellbeing News

Upcoming Dates

8th March – International Women’s Day

17th March – World Sleep Day 

19th March – International Day against Bullying and Violence 

20th March – International Day of Happiness

21st March – Harmony Day 

30th March - World Bipolar Day


Wellbeing News

The start of the year has been a busy one and we are already into week 3. The students, parents and staff this week have had their introduction presentation sessions to The Resilience Project. The presentations were full of energy and Matt Hubble the presenter displayed just how passionate he is about the wellbeing of our students and students around the world. We are excited to work with The Resilience Project and integrate it into our curriculum to help the students learn ways to incorporate gratitude, empathy and mindfulness into their lives to help them better cope with the challenges life may throw at them. 



Some days are just harder than others and some days feel more overwhelming than the previous. This is normal and can happen to anyone. At the time it can feel like there is no way out but there are always some things you can do to make you feel a little better and find even a small positive in those days.


Make a list of things that make you feel happy or bring you some joy. They can be just simple things like:

Taking a walk outside

Speaking to a friend, parent or other relative

Listen to music or watching a movie

Ride your bike/scooter

Try some mindfulness activities like deep breathing, colouring or meditation

Having a nice warm shower

Laying on the grass and watching the clouds


If you are still feeling overwhelmed always find a trusted adult or someone you can talk to and let them know how you’re feeling. Sometimes sharing our problems can halve the heaviness. 




Helpful Websites and Supports 

Headspace - https://headspace.org.au/ 

Kids helpline - https://kidshelpline.com.au/ - Or call 1800 55 1800 or WebChat option

Lifeline - https://www.lifeline.org.au/ - Or Call 131114 or WebChat or Text message options

Beyond blue - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/home 

Reachout - https://au.reachout.com/ 

SANE Australia - https://www.sane.org/ 

The brave program - https://brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au/