Secondary Notices

Important Dates for your Diary


20th Feb   -  Secondary Information Evening Year 10-12

                    - Year 9 Expedition departs

22nd February - Year 7 Expedition departs

23rd February - Year 9 Expedition returns

24th February - Open Day & Scholarship Auditions

                             - Year 7 Expedition returns

                             - Inverell Show

25th February - ACER Scholarship Exam

                            - Inverell Show

27th February – 3rd March - Week of Wellbeing

1st March - Year 7 vaccinations

2nd March - World's Greatest Shave

                      - P&F Fun day (Colour Run)

4th & 5th March - Tamworth and Barraba Shows

4th – 6th March - Leave weekend

7th March - Parent Teacher Interviews for Yr 10-12 in person

8th March - Tutankhamun Year 7 Day

12th March - Yr 10 Expedition departs

14th March - Health Careers Forum

15th March - NAPLAN Online Commences

22nd March - World of Careers Dinner (Years 9 - 12)

24th March - Experience Day Year 7 2024


Upcoming Parent Teacher Interviews Years 10-12


On Tuesday, March 7 we are delighted to welcome parents back on Campus for Face to Face Parent Teacher Interviews for students in Years 10-12.  Interview times will open later in the week and parents will be notified via the Hub of booking times available.  Parent interviews are 5 minutes in duration and will be held on the Brisbane Street Campus in the Peter Smart Auditorium from 4-6pm.  Once bookings are open should you experience any difficulties with your booking you can contact IT support (


Parent Teacher Interviews for students in Years 7-9 will be held early in Term 2 on Tuesday, May 2.


World's Greatest Shave


Please throw your support behind our Year 12 students who are raising money to help beat blood cancer in the World's Greatest Shave. Students from Year 12 will go under the clippers on Thursday, March 2 at the Brisbane Street Campus. The action will get underway around 9am and finish up ahead of the Colour Run. You can donate to the great cause at


They are on target to hitting their goal of $15,000 which will see some of the staff have to shave also (we will let you know more soon)!