Message from the Principal

 Mr David Smith

The Secret of School Success


A Japanese study claims, “Better than a thousand days of study is one day with a great teacher.”


A recent study has revealed the ‘secret ‘to student and school success in learning. Research, conducted by Professor John Hattie (Melbourne University Graduate School of Education), scoured 2,100 meta-analyses over 40 years, drawing from more than 130,000 studies and involving more than 400 million students worldwide. 


It may be no surprise but the study revealed that the number one factor that impacts on student learning is engaging teaching.


The extensive research reveals that factors like the amount of homework, streaming, classroom design, class sizes and the length of the school day do not have a huge influence on students’ learning outcomes. The study emphasises the importance of teacher mind frames and whether the students are given a clear purpose and can understand their learning journey. 


‘The Educator Magazine (1) reports Professor Hattie as saying that schools must look beyond “hints and tips that will give schools easy hacks to good grades” and instead look at “changing the culture of education so that teachers are excited about teaching, and students are excited and engaged in learning”.


Hattie writes that “Every child can learn, can grow, and can be taught to love learning. The most important thing a teacher can do is to have high expectations for all students and to see differences as opportunities to learn in different ways, and to teach students to welcome the challenge to aim high," he said. 


Professor Hattie’s March 2023 release of ‘Visible Learning: The Sequel - A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement’, acknowledges the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the mental health of children and teachers, amplifying the connection between social and emotional wellbeing and learning. 


Our Calrossy approach is in line with Hattie’s suggestions, for equipping teachers with emotional and problem-based coping strategies to pass on to students and to support student wellbeing. He says that it is necessary to build cultures of trust, where mistakes can be seen as opportunities and teachers constantly assess their impact.


The Calrossy Strategic Plan, seeking ‘Excellence in a Christian Environment’ includes the themes of Learning in Partnership and Growing our People. I am delighted to be part of a school in which teachers also develop and grow, along with the students and that learning is our important focus. All that we do with student wellbeing and management should focus on that important classroom necessity of teachers doing what they do best, to support and enhance the growth of the learner.


“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.” Proverbs 9: 9 



The Yondr pouches were introduced to Secondary students today, please see the information and frequently asked questions on this initiative later in the Newsletter. Year 9 will receive their pouches when they return from expedition.


David Smith
