Year 3/4

What a start to the year for the 3/4 Team! We have had a fantastic first week back getting to know each other and building relationships with new peers and teachers.
Year three students have adapted to their new routines and life in the senior grades amazingly.
They have had a taste of morning exercise on the oval and 3/4 sport on Fridays. All the 3/4 students have been busy revisiting Ripponlea’s expectations and building their own classroom communities.
We have begun our inquiry into Space and started to set up important things we need for learning this year, such as Readers and Writers Notebooks and our Independent Reading Routines. The always favourite fluency games have also begun with students playing ‘Pebbles’ and ‘Mastermind’ - ask us to teach you at home! It has been such a successful start in 3/4 and we are all looking forward to a brilliant year together!