Principal Team Message

We extend a warm welcome to new students and their families. Ripponlea is a very welcoming, supportive and inclusive community. We are all here to look after each other, so please don’t hesitate to seek any help you might need to assist your child and your family to settle into our little school. 


Our doors are always open to any of your queries, no question is too silly or small and we know there are many parents/carers and staff out there ready to support you as well. We as a community care, connect and create new relationships with our families that are long-lasting. 




Bravo to our students, staff and families on such a smooth start to the new school year. It has been so pleasing to learn that everyone is very happy to be back at school after the long break. 


Our students have exceeded our expectations and have quickly bounced back into the routines of school life. Our Foundation students also started positively and even though they attended for a few half days, many of them were disappointed they couldn't stay longer. 


Classes are buzzing with energy levels as our students develop relationships as a priority, because respectful, warm and connected relationships are the key to a strong classroom learning community. Learning works best in classrooms where students feel safe to take risks, share thinking, wonder aloud and challenge themselves. Students are also establishing, their personal and academic goals and shared norms and expectations in a collaborative manner. These agreements outline the environment that will help everyone learn and achieve their best. 


Rich discussions are being held about the school values and what these actually look like in practice when outdoors, in our classrooms, or in the wider community. As well as the school values, the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Framework (SWPBS) is been taught explicitly as part of our school's well-being approach and social and emotional coaching. 



Community - We work cooperatively in a team and make sure no one is left out. We take pride in our environment and support each other in the tasks that need to be done.


Creativity - We imagine, think creatively, share our ideas with others, and try new things.


Integrity - We do what is right even when no one is looking. We are honest even when there might be consequences.


Open Mindedness - We know, accept and value that everyone is different. We share ideas, listen to and respect everyone’s opinions.


Resilience- We know that life can be challenging. We have a go even when it is hard. We bounce back from things that hurt and disappoint us, and learn from our mistakes.


Respect - We consider the rights of others and accept our differences. We take care of our environment and equipment.



At the start of each new school year, parents/carers are invited to a special 'pastoral care' meeting. This is an opportunity to meet your child's teacher, impart pertinent information about your child and form a team – a partnership that works together for the benefit of your child. 


The benefits of a strong parent/carer and teacher partnership include maintaining the well-being of a child, parents/carers feeling more connected to their child's learning, improved educational outcomes, and teachers feeling very supported by our families. 


Our teachers won't be able to discuss learning progress but will provide some insight into how your child has engaged in their first few weeks of school. In the coming weeks, our teachers will provide information on year-level specific programs and curricula.


We have sent home a 'You Tell Us' questionnaire, which can be returned at the meeting or prior. 


2023 STAFF 


                    Natalie Rose                 

          Marta Campbell 


         Assistant Principal 


Kate Crawford 

Jac Holzer 

     Business Manager 

Enrolments/Attendance/Administration Officer 


PLC Teams


Foundation A

Stefanie Hoffner 

Foundation B

Matthew Blake 



Year 1/2 A

Julie Nield 

Year 1/2 B

Lucy Clover/Kathryn Ries

Year 1/2 C

David Bremner

Year 1/2 D

Luca Dickinson 

Year 3/4 A

Braden Leech 

Year 3/4 B

Jane De Lorenzo

Year 3/4 C

Lydia Ioannidis

Year 3/4 D

Jonathan Wood 



Year 5/6 A

Alicia Oliver - Cook 

Year 5/6 B

Sarah Coughlin 

Year 5/6 C

Brenton O'Hoy


Specialist Team


Danielle Merlino 

Rob Griffiths

LOTE - French/Italian 

Performing Arts 



Shannon Connelly 

Carlie Campbell

Visual Arts 

Physical Education


Emma Fay 

Emily Ingamells 

 Learning Tutor 

Intervention Specialist 


Education Support Team 


Mark Soroczynski

Fiona Clarke

Josie Cheney

Janine Drakeford

Natalie Pfaller 



Each year some of our school councillors will complete their two-year tenure and although some members might want to re-nominate, we genuinely have some vacancies that we would love to fill. School Councils play a significant role in schools. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.


This is a voluntary commitment from any parent or carer at our school. As a council, we all attend a minimum of eight meetings per year. We are representative of both DET employees as well as parent members. There are specific roles and committees that oversee a range of school initiatives. 


Our committees consist of:

  • Facilities & Environment
  • Finance
  • Governance  
  • Ripper Families
  • Publicity & Marketing 
  • Sustainability

You DO NOT have to be on School Council to join a committee, just come along for one of their meetings. 


If any community member is interested in this role, please speak to Tarryn Hollandour School Council president or Mrs Rose. 


We officially call for nominations to the Ripponlea School Council. Please read the following information to gain a better understanding of this role. 


School Council Election Process and Timetable
Ripponlea Primary School 
a)Notice of election and call for nominationsWednesday 8 February 2023
b)Closing date for nominationsWednesday 15 February 2023
c)Date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be postedFriday 17 February 2023
d)Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributedOn or before Monday 20 February 2023
e)Close of ballotMonday 27 February 2023
f)Vote countTuesday 28 February 2023
g)Declaration of pollWednesday 1st March 
h)Special council meeting to co-opt community members(the principal will preside) TBA
i)First council meeting to elect office bearers (the principal will preside)TBA



We extend our deepest appreciation to the number of families who have made full financial contributions in all sections of the parent payment schedule. We have bundled all major activities for the entire year to save families the need to constantly contribute to items. The only activities that will require separate payments will be camps and excursions. Please check your child's bag for information regarding parent payments. 


Due to DET guidelines, safety issues and planning requirements, we are no longer able to accept consent or payment on the day of the excursion/incursion/activity. 


Unfortunately, we are also no longer able to contact families on the day and seek verbal consent. All excursions/incursions and activities will require consent and payment by the closing date. 

Wishing our students a very successful year ahead. 




Until next fortnight.................


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

             Principal                                    Acting  Assistant Principal