Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing 

Greg Van Es

Dear Parents,


At St John’s College students are expected to maintain a high standard of dress and grooming which:

  • Supports a positive atmosphere where study and learning can flourish;
  • Promotes school unity and pride; 
  • Presents an appropriate image of our school to the broader community and to each other.

Our reputation in the local community is enhanced when our students wear the uniform properly, and we all benefit from the situation where our school is held in high regard. Our students have both a right to benefit from our School Reputation, but also a responsibility to help build it by wearing our Uniform correctly.


In 2023, no new uniform regulations or phone regulations have been introduced, however, we are concerned that some students are not following the existing Regulations which were outlined on enrolment at the College, on our school website and in the student planner.  The College requires students to wear the appropriate full school uniform at all times and all items listed are to be sourced from Academy Uniforms. 


Phones should be kept in lockers at all times and air pods or headphones should not be used in the classroom unless with teacher permission. They are not permitted in the school yard at recess or lunchtime.


Commencing 8th March, 2023, we will be re-enforcing our Three Strike Policy on uniform and phone infringements. In the first instance, a student will have incorrect uniform / phone items confiscated and SEQTA message will be sent asking to rectify the issue. The confiscated item will be able to be collected from Student Services at the end of the day. On a second instance, the student and parents will receive a SEQTA message asking for the issue to be rectified. The confiscated item will only be able to be collected by a parent from Student Services at the end of the day. After a third instance, students and parents will receive a SEQTA message and will not be allowed return to the College until a parent meeting has been held with the Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing. At this meeting, an agreement will be signed supporting the uniform policy through appropriate parental interventions, including picking up a child or bringing appropriate uniform items to school when a child is out of uniform.

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)

Summer Uniform is to be worn in Term 1 and in Term 4 from the first day of school and after the Melbourne Cup mid-term break.



  • Dress – White ankle socks 
  • Navy trouser (optional) – navy socks
  • Overblouse with college crest (optional) short or long sleeved
  • No tie
  • Jumper (not to be worn as an outer garment to or from the College)
  • Blazer
  • Black plain leather/polishable lace-up or T-Bar school shoes (Mary Jane soft style shoes are not appropriate)



  • Navy trousers – navy socks
  • Navy shorts (optional) – white ankle socks
  • Overshirt with College crest – short or long sleeved
  • No tie
  • Jumper (not to be worn as an outer garment to or from the College)
  • Blazer
  • Black plain leather/polishable lace-up school shoes (slip on style shoes are not appropriate)

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)

The College Winter Uniform is to be worn from the first day of school after ANZAC Day



  • Skirt – navy tights
  • Navy trousers (optional) – navy sock or tights
  • Overblouse with College crest – short or long sleeved
  • Tie
  • Jumper (not to be worn as an outer garment to or from the College)
  • Blazer
  • Black plain leather/polishable lace-up or T-Bar school shoes (Mary Jane soft style shoes are not appropriate)



  • Navy trousers – navy socks
  • Navy shorts (optional) – white ankle socks
  • Overshirt with College crest – short or long sleeved
  • Tie
  • Jumper (not to be worn as an outer garment to or from the College)
  • Blazer
  • Black plain leather/polishable lace-up school shoes (slip on style shoes are not appropriate)

Physical Education

  • Girls & Boys
  • House Polo shirt
  • Navy PE shorts
  • White ankle socks 
  • College shell jacket 
  • Track pants (optional but not to be replaced by other styles of track pant)
  • College hat or cap


  • Supportive lace-up running shoes – not slip ons (sport shoes are permitted only during PE classes or for specified sporting events and activities)
  • College backpack
  • College utility bag
  • Hair ribbons, headbands and hair clips must be the uniform navy blue, dark green or black (optional)
  • Scarf – uniform navy blue, dark green or black (optional)
  • Gloves – uniform navy blue, dark green or black (optional)


1. Hairstyles should be natural and conservative.

2. For general presentation and demeanour, hair is to be clean, off the face and tied back in a ponytail or plait, (or similar), if over collar length.

3. Students are expected to be clean shaven (no moustache or beard)

4. Hairstyles are to conform to the following guidelines:

  • hair style must be conservative and neat;
  • hair is not to be shaved less than gauge number two;
  • hair colour must be natural and one colour only;
  • gel may be worn if it is used to hold a natural hairstyle in place;
  • plaits are acceptable but should not include beads;
  • no dreadlocks or beads may be worn in the hair;
  • only navy blue, dark green or black hair ribbons may be worn;
  • clip(s)/comb(s) used to hold hair in place should be small and not of a vivid colour; and
  • no patterns or letters are to be cut into the hair.
  • failure to comply with the hair regulations, may result in a student’s suspension until the situation is rectified.


  1. Only the following jewellery is acceptable with the Uniform: 
  • one chain with a cross or other small Christian emblem; 
  • one small ring;
  • one matching pair of small plain sleepers or studs;
  • no piercings, plastic insert acceptable;
  • College badges.

General Information

1. Clothing is to be kept in excellent condition, clean, well pressed and labelled.

2. If an outer garment is to be worn to and from College it must be the blazer.

3. The wearing of an approved College hat by students participating in physical education camps or excursions, while outdoors, is recommended for all students while outdoors

4. On days when they have a double PE lesson, students in Years 7 and 8 are required to travel to and from the College and remain in their appropriate PE uniform all day. The only outer garment that can be worn in cold weather is the House rugby top. Blazers are not required on this day.

5. Students are encouraged to wear sunglasses in outdoor settings.

6. Students are encouraged to use sunscreen lotion, (at least SFP30), while outdoors.

7. Makeup, coloured nail polish and coloured lip gloss are not to be worn with the College Uniform.

8. Soft styled shoes without a firm sole, slip-ons and fashion shoes are not appropriate for the College environment.