Grade 5

Explore the Learning in Grade 5

Grade 5 - Supporting Learning at Home


Over the past few weeks our amazing grade 5 students have settled in extremely well to our classroom routines and expectations. It's fantastic to see the way they have jumped into their learning and are showing initiative to improve and grow in all areas. If you would like to support your child's learning further at home, we have included below some options for this.


Reading: In grade 5, students are encouraged to read for at least 20 -30 minutes per day. We would love to see students reading chapter books rather than graphic novels, as this will support their development and understanding of sentence structures, vocabulary and paragraphing. We encourage that students read varying genres and a mix of fiction and non-fiction texts, and practise reading both independently and aloud to an adult to improve their fluency.


Spelling: Students will receive their new spelling word list on a Monday and can complete four spelling activities at home during the week in preparation for their spelling test on a Friday. Students will bring home a homework book with a list of spelling activities that they can choose from to complete throughout the week. They will need to ensure that their spelling homework book is at school on a Monday (to receive new word lists) and a Friday (so that their teacher can check their spelling).


Maths: We have had many parents asking about math's homework so far this year. If you would like your child to work on some math's activities at home, they are able to log on to their My Numeracy account and work on their personalised learning goals. There are videos that your child should watch prior to attempting to answer any of the questions. Log in details for My Numeracy can be found in your child's diary.


Diaries: We ask that students record all of the homework that they complete in their diaries. It's a great habit to get in to as they prepare for grade 6 and the transition to high school to use their diaries daily. Diaries need to go between home and school every day and will be checked by your child's teacher on a Friday. 


If you have any questions about homework, please contact your child's teacher.



Katie, April, Frank and Catherine