Grade 4

Explore the Learning in Grade 4

Home Readers: 

From this week onwards students will be bringing home 5 readers. It is expected that students do 20-30 minutes of reading each night and record this in their diary with a parent's signature. At school students begin their independent reading by reading a levelled reader, so this may be how you would like to structure this at home. This may be a great opportunity to hear your child read and to ask some questions about what they have read.  


Ocean Awareness: 

Over the last 3 weeks students have attended Ocean Awareness. They have practiced a range of survival skills whilst having a wonderful time! 

The Garden program

One of the most exciting parts of our start to the year has been commencing our school garden program. With the expert help of Margaret, Leigh, and Diedre, Year 4 has taken responsibility for watering, fertilising, harvesting, and even eating different fruits and vegetables grown in our incredible school. So far, we have learnt about the different types of plants in our school, how to utilise worm juice, the importance of composting, and how to prepare different fruits and vegetables to make a delicious snack for the class. 


The Garden program is one that is exclusive to Year 4 for the entire year. To ensure that this program is a success we ask that we have a parent volunteer from each class each week to ensure this program can run to the best of its ability. Please get in contact with your child’s teacher to volunteer for this program. 


We would also greatly appreciate assistance in garden working bees, these will be held on the first Tuesday of every month between 3:15-4:15. No gardening experience necessary! More details to come. 

If you would also be interested in looking after the chickens over the weekend (feeding, letting out, putting away on Sat/Sun) in Term 1 could you please email your preference to 

Many thanks and looking forward to an amazing year in the edible garden! 

Chicken Roster: 

11-12th Feb,    18th-19th Feb 25th-26th Feb 4th-5th March 11th-12th March 18th-19th March 25th-26th March 1st-2nd April.