Deputy News 

It's not everyday you get slimed at work!

Dear Parents and families, 


What an incredible fortnight we’ve had at Sacred Heart! 

A highlight being the inaugural Colour Run last Friday where our community came together for such a great day of fun! 

The weather was perfect and warm enough to enjoy the spray of water as students ran around the school. 

The excitement of being covered in a rainbow of colours from head to toe was infectious. As one of the parent helpers said to me ‘I got sucked into the vortex of the day’. 

A huge thankyou to the incredible parent volunteers who were fully involved-from squirting colours, to filing bottles, to cooking the sausages, to mopping the floor; we had all hands on deck! 

A highlight and finale of the day was the teacher’s being slimed! What a day at school sliming your teachers, what lucky winners they were! Not so sure about the teachers but what great sports we have on staff. It's not everyday you get slimed at work by the Principal! Memories in the making, so many students were saying, ‘It was the best day ever!' 

A huge thanks to Dara Blake and Pamela Moore for their incredible co-ordination of the event and organising the fundraising platform and donations of prizes. Thank you to the Ackerman family for donating the sausages and Brumby’s Sandringham for donating the bread. 


What incredible memories we have created whilst raising money for our school, an absolutely amazing result. Thanks to all members of our community who contributed in some way to support our Colour Run. We can’t wait to do it all again next year, meanwhile we are still cleaning up around the school, but it was totally worth it! 

Pancake Tuesday 

Last week we had a special morning cooking pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. A huge thanks to Mr Blake and  all the parents ,grandparents and friends who helped out on the morning. An amazing effort cooking 400 pancakes for all the students. Thanks to Lisa Macdonald for donating the pancake mix, it made the cooking process much easier. 

The Yr 6 student helpers on the day were extraordinary and were so helpful to everyone in the school. A brilliant effort raising over $600 for cancer research. 



It was so lovely to join the prep and year 5 buddies last week spending some time together, reading in the library. Our buddy program is such a wonderful way for our older students to role model behaviour in and outside the classroom. Our prep students have certainly settled in well  as their buddies play with them and ensure they are familiar with everything at Sacred Heart. Although we encourage students to play with their own peers it is lovely to have a older student to go to if they need some help or some company in the playground.



Thankyou to Michael and the team from Sandy Charcoal Chicken for always looking out for our Year 6’s on Friday afternoons with the ‘Charcoal tradition’. Also a huge thanks for supplying the staff with a delicious dinner of BBQ chicken, hot chips (the best in town) and delicious salads during parent teacher interviews a few weeks ago. We appreciate your generosity.

Congratulations Laura & Zara who were amazing being wonderful environmental ambassadors by cleaning up our yard!

Last week our staff finally had an opportunity to shower Tiffany Levy with baby gifts and a morning tea when she was in for a CRT day. We wish Tiffany & Ryan all the very best with the upcoming arrival of their bundle of joy!


It was so lovely to catch up with so many parents at the parent cocktail party on Saturday night, what a positive vibe in our community and what another fine example of our community coming together. Thanks to Jodie Begg for organising the evening.  It was wonderful to see so many new parents being welcomed into our community. 


Wishing you all a lovely weekend and hopefully an opportunity to relax and refresh, 


Brigid Pennington 

Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader